A Proclamation
Whereas the senson is approacliing when, according to a wiseand Jong establised cuetorn in the several staies in iliis Union, ït is usual lo set apart a day for Pnblic Thankegiving and Prayer to Almighty God. And wbereasj public demonstralions of graiitude for signal and unmeritcd blessings are enjoined by tho most impreesive considerationsof patriotism and tbe mostsolemn obligations ot religión- Now, iherefore, I, James Wright Gordon, Acting Governor ofthe6tate of Michigan, do by these presents appoint Thureday THE TWENTY-l'IFTH UAYOF NOVEMBER NEXr,aaa dny of Public Thanks giving and Prayer. And à do hereby recom mend to all the peuple of this State that they meet together on thaL day, at their respective places of public worship, and offer ThankBgiving unto God and pay their vows to the Most High lor the numberless merries and beneñts vuuchsafed to us during the past year, for all our civil and religious, eocial and domestic enjoyments; for that he has ubundantly rewarded the labors of the Husbandman - averted the ravages of distase - continued the blessings of peace - atneliorated our condition as a people, which the evil consequences of our own fully, ignoranee and sim had but too signally marked- and abovo all that uur beloved country is ïllu mined by the briglit beama of the tà uu uf Righteousness. And' also, that we, with deep humility, confess our eins and acknowledge our unworthiness, and, in the name of our Redeem er, present our petitions for a continuance of Divine favors, that He would be merciful to bis people and bless them with increasing knowledge, purity and love, and that all the ends of the earth may worship Him in spirit and in truth, in reverence and Godly fear, In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed uiy name, and cause to bc uffix ed the Great Seal of this State. ' Done at Detroit, this twentys eighth day of October, in the ? year. of our Lord one thousand t ' ' y elght hundred and forty-one, and of the Independence of the United States the sixty-sixth. By the Acting Governor, J. WKIGHT GORDOS. Taomas Rowlakd, Secretary of State.