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The One Gallon Law Of Mississippi

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-Wewurü conversing a iew üays since with a yery intelligent gentleman trom Mississippi, in regard to iho one gallon law passed inthat State, it will be remembered, some two or three years since. He iniorms U9 that the aw is rigidly enforced, and is so vvisely framed, that to evade itis almosc mpossible. In tho large towns on the is violated, but throughout the State its enforcement has been of a salutary nature. The eiïorts made to evade this law have been promplly checked. We give an instance. An ingenious rumseller fitted up in his house a sliding apartment, on the open sesamie principie., bearing tho names of different drinks, were ncar, and the buyer had only to drop one of them into a box with a levy, whcnout carne the wished for beverage. In this case it was impossible to identify the seller, but the Jude charged the grand jury to find a bilí againet the owner of the house. This was done, and no more atíempís were made to viólate the law by mcans of mechanicalagents. Boston. Morning Star. The Atliol Slave Case, we are happy to learn, bas been decided in favor of the liberty of the boy. He is placed under the care of a guardián, our friend, Dr. Hoyt, we believe, till of age. Minors cannot be carned out of Massachusetts nto slaverv even with their consent. So says the Süpreme Court of Massachusetts. Free American. The Syracuse Whig Convention did not nomínate Henry Clay, though they jlattered him. Praise will be all he will ever get, worth having, from the voters of the free States. And he won't have that much longer, unlees he pays those debls he owes to some