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Poetry: The Hour Of Freedom

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The hour ofFreedora! come ít must O, haeten t in raercy, ffeaven! When all who grovel in the dust, Shail stand erect, their fettors riven! When glorioua freedom shaJl bewon By every caste, complexion, clime; When tyranny ehall be o'erthrown, And color cease to be a crime! Friend of the poor- long suffering Lord! Thisguiky land from ruin save! Let Justice sheathe her glittering sword, And Mercy rescue from the grave! And ye who are like cattlo sold, And vilely trodden like the earth, And bartered constantly for gold Yoursouls debased from their highbirth: Boarmeekly still your cruel woee; Light follows darkness- comfort, pain: So time ehall give you sweet repose, Andsever every hateful chain. Not by the sword your liberty Shallbeobtained, in human blood: Not by revok or treachery, Revenge did never bring forth göod : God's time is bost- 'twill not delay- E'en now your cause is blossoming, And rich shall be the fruit:- the day Of your redomption loudly sing.