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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Ann Abbor, Nov. 14, 1S41. Ex.Com. &,c; Gentlemen. - An artille appeured in your last paper signed "Consisieucy," in which niy name and business wcre montioneü1, and 1 feel it duo to your readers and to myself ut least to give it a passing noticc, I had not the most distant eXpeciatioft that such an article would be published, , qóï even the siighlest knowledge of it until itappeared in your columns. And although 1 did, in purchasing, give a prefereuce to fiee labor goods, yet it was not with the intention of making it a watch word, nor did I think ofmentioningit and did nnt, only as I was enquired of; since the evil arising from rrcaking business under such circumstances a pretence whila its only godlíness is gain, is often as great as the benefit.13ut 1 arn unwilimg that imprcssion should be mnde and community think my oods ate exclusively free labor; for uch is noitrue; and such could not be, nd furnish any thing like ao assortment dapted to'the country trade. Such as l ould obtuin of the íree labor productior : chose to and did buy. 13ut for thisl ïavc no cause to glory, it was my owa hoicc, even though no gain should arise rom it. So for this reason alone I amnot isposed to demand the patronage oí the ïiends of liberly. Again, it seems lo me that the impresión will be upon you and your readers, hat I took this courso to advertise, and hat I might us well pay for advertisiog where gain was expected by it. 1 intended to prepare a notice of my )usines8 for your paper of last week but delayed it until it was too late; and for his reason as well as for others, 1 must and do tender my thanks to Coosiatency,, and esteem it a favor, though unasked. And most heartily do Isympathise with those who labor in the midst of reproach and difficulty for the good of the slavej. who feel for "those ia bonds as bound with them," and most fondly do 1 hope ihat the day is not far distant when all shaü be free, and the word slave shall be met in ancient books only, when no one shall lind it dühcult to obtain foodand clotlung that is not the product ofunrequited toil, and no one groau uader tho ïccursed chains of slaverv .P. S. - Will you send me three copies of the Signal commencing wilh the last veek1s number and cousider me a sub' scriber l'or this number oí' copies wbile your paper stnves thus lawfully andconsistently. ?â–