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VVill bo published cvery Wednesday mom fogin Ann Arbor, Waehtenaw county, Michtonn, by the Executive Cooimittee, br the Michigan Slate Anli-Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Terms. - $2,00 per annum, ín advance. f2,50 in six monlhs. $3,00, if payment ba delayed to the close of the year. A strict adlRTence to the above terms will be obserred in every case. CirNo paper will be discontinued unlilall arre&rages are paiiJ.,,} Advertisements tliankfully received and fcserled at the usual prices in this vicinity. Any friend of humanity desiring to aid the eau8 of Libcrly, is authortzed to act as Agent. All REMITTANCR8 and all Communications deeigned fur public:ition or in any manner Mlating tahe "Signal of Liberty]" wül be hereafter addressed CC?"po3t paidQ Síonal of Libertt; Ann Arbor, Mich." Our Travelling; aud Local Asente,, TdROüonoüT TUE State, aue kspecially BQ,UeSTED TO KOT1CE THE TEltMS ON wiiicn this paper is publisiied. As it 18 EXPECTED THET WILL MAKE THEIIÏ COLÍ.BCTI0NS AND REMITTANCKS IN ACCORDANCE THERfiWITH, IN EVERT 1NSTANCE. - S1GNAL, OF LIBERTY. Wediiesdaj, December i, 1841.


Signal of Liberty
Old News