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-Further itcniB IlustrativanJ "e "lanners and customs of the Souih. tv 6W Orleans Crescent City says: "We learned frotn a gentleman yesterday, that two cases of lynching had recenily occurred in the Par'ish ofSt. James. lt seems, frora some canse or other, ihat Q white man incurred the displeasure of soine of the inhabitants there, and fier holding a council they gave him sixtv ashes upon his bare back! It is reponed that he ha8 engaged one of our most eminent counsellors to bring an action ugainst the lyncliers. b The other case wa8 ihat of a Cnthoüc rneat, who from iho same cause was subjected to a hkc ordeaJ, and in aecordunce with tho sentence passed upon him, received one hundred lashes! The forego!"ë s given as we heard it, without holding ouraelves rcsponsible for its accuracy."- Penn. mtchez, recentíy, the Lynch committee has furbidden the colored people to altend the Bjptist meeting which was held in the Court House; andfinally, when tney mnmfested some senaitivenesp, turued the Baptisls out also. Tho minisier then published a very humble letter, assuring tho 'public" that he and his people did not deaire the attendance of any slave who had not a written permission from his master! And assuring the lynchers ofthetr fidelity to soulhern institutions- iteliBh, now-a-dnys, don't believe much n martyrdoms, except in Borneo, the Ton ia Islands, and other heathenish purts.- In these United States religión and expeöieney, alas, and slaverv too, seem to be quite good friends!- Free AmericanJames Curtís, an American from Ohio, vlioso speeches asainst the corn luws jn arious places in Engltm'', we havo hereofore noticcd, appcars lo have created uite a sensation there, and is rather oughly handled by sonríe of ihe papers ti ie interest of tho corn nw monopoly. 'Man was made a liltle Iower than the ngels,and crowned withglory and honor: avery drngs him down among the brutes ear off bis crown, and puts on a vokp '