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Defeat Of The Liberty Party

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W e saw the othcr day, in nn exchange' paper, devoled chiefiy to ihe ordinary po-; iitical topics, some specuiations concern-; mg 'he effect likely to be produced upon' the mind of.fureigners by the clefeal of the! Liberty Party in this boasted land of Lib-1 erty. Wo'Wnot recollcct yvhether tho! tone was sincere orsarcastic,and we have ! not the paper now at hand to refer t._ ! But il suggested a number of reflections wbich may not be unprofitable to dweil uu-; on. TIIE LIBERTA PAKTV I3DÍFEATED, There can bo no doubt as to lh fact. The full elections are all over, ond the resulis known bevond a doubt, aud the Lib-! eny Party is every where dcfenteri. It is a total, universal dcfeat. Not only husi ötate after State gone iigainst the Liberty Party, in one unbroken series, but in every Counly of every State, and in every lowoship of every County, the same fat'ei lias overtaken this reckless party. So far as we Imve heard, not a single towuship, any where, has cast a majority of votes fur the Liberty Party. Could there be conceived a more utter tlefeat? Not one Governor, not one Senator, not one Assemblyman bas this Party been able lo carry. From all sidea and from every place, the repons give one unbrokea cry - defeated, defeated, defeated. Their motives were pure, their principies were sound, their ' policy was correct, (iieir objects werc good, their candidates were worihy, and their success evidently idenlified wiih thesalvation of the country from the worst of evils - andyet they were defeaied. Their motives were pure. If there ever was a body of men, vho banded togeiher for politica! purposes under the exclusive ofluence of motives not only disintereslcd but selLsacrificing, certainly the Liberty Pany was made upof such.- There were aot wanting among thcml those who by tbeir talent?, and previously1 acquired standing, might have tbund food (br polaical ambition and other personal motives, in connection with other parties, bul no such motives could havo led a sane and wellinformed man to engage in the Liberty Party. Bul the punty of their motives did not nin for tbein the support of the people, and so they were defeated. Their principies were suund. They were the only foundation principies of the republic - "tiiatall men are creatcc! equa!, and are aüke endowed by their creator wiib the inalienable righís'of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happines, aud: thut it waL primarüy for the preservation' of these rights tha'. governments ivere in-j siituied among men."' These are the principies of the Liberty party. It is for the purpose of bringing back ihe administra, lion of ihe Government to these principies, and securing their application impar tially lo all thegoverned, that the Liberty Party was förnied. And it was solcly on account of thcir adhesión to these pnnciciples lh)t they were opposed, ridicued. maligned, and finally defeated. Their policy was correct. It wes settled after mature consideration, after delibcrating nnd hesitatmg uniil delay becarne a crime. It was entered upon with reluctance, under a deep conviction ihat it was r.eccssary, that there was no other way, and that the only choico was between this policy and that cf virtual and to'.al submission to the domination of the Ölavk Powbr. It s the p olicy of Comniün Sense. It is doing as all mankind doin like circüinstances. Andyet th.usamis who npproved of their object, justiiied their principies, and honorcd their molivcs, rojected their policy, and so ihev were dcfeated.ï'heir ot.jects were gcod. They hnd no concealed ohj ccts,no sinister ends. Their ohjects were, lo secure the ascendancy oí the principies of liberty, to overthrow the usurped aud fingitiousdotninnlion of slüvcry and liasien the entire removal of that plague spot from our country; and do lliis solely by peaceful and constituiional means and thus aave the natiun, and even the slave-holders themselves from tbc tertific consequences ihat must come, if slavcry is left to run its course a litile lungcr unchecked. No enlighlened patriot can de ny thut slavery is the greatest puliticul evil of our country, and that ts peaceful removal is the greatest politica! object that can come before the people. And yet, solely becnuse they made this object paramount lo questions about bank?, ani tariffs, and currency, and the sc'ramble iur office, the Liberty Party was defealed. Their caudidaies werc worihy. We venture to say there never was a whole seiof candidules presented for ihesuffrages ol'the people, every one of whoin is so free from objeciion on personal and moral grounds. CJniversally men of uprigihness, the friends of ternperance and order, buen men aa their neighbors love to engage for guardians and arbitrators, adried to a quenchless love of liberty and n clear percepiiün of the true intcrestsof the country, they were prc6enled to the peoplo for their support, - but bEcau6ü they iwere not willing to bccomo the slaves of; i party, Jjccau9e ihey would not postpono ' the claims of liberty and thetrue in terests and honor of the country for mere party ' ; strtfe they were defeated. The fiuccesa of the Liberty ƒ arty is ' j plainly idemified with the destthy of the ' ■ republic. Etther the country must rid itself of slavery, or siavery will destroy the ! . country. Yet, from the general reluctance of mankind to grapple wiih very great eils,nná iheir proneness to hope tiiat ca; lamity may be postponed until after their dny, the Liberty party were tlefeatcd. vnaÈh,yrnjét 13 to be done? Shall we now give itup? Gvd forlád. 1 it was one of the cardinal maxitnsof cient patriotism, kever to dispair of the I cojoiorwEALTH. it was Ibis confidence j which warmed the hcart and ncrved the ' hand of many a patriot in periods of darknes3 and difficulty. And it was Ihe exis1 rcnce of this principie among tho citizcns, i which lengthened out the lite ofliberty in many a republic, far beyond wint olherwise could have been aUaïned, But if such a maxins could exist in heathen Greece and Rome, and stem the downward tide of corruption and oppreesion for so many centuries,m a community unblesaed with the light of revelation &nd the purifying influences of the Gospel,- how nuch more confidentty may theeame maxim be clasped to the heart of the true fiiend of Liberty in Christiun America. Hero the Bible, the Sook of Liberty circuíales freely. Iiere the true theory of Liberly,never discovercd until revealed by the Goapsl, is incorporated in the very theory of tho government. Hcre all the reforraatory power of truih and goodness mny be employed in their full euergy, unirammelled ny ancient proscription oruperstition.- VN'here, then is the Christian patriot of America that despaira of the repubüc? He is unworthy of hia name, unworlhy of his Lineage. Give itup? Despair of ih nafion?- Bccause we have been once defented, abandon eöbrts, and let all go to ruin as it will? Perish the thoughi! No, never. VVhile there is life, there is hope. So long as there remains in this land ono pure and palriotic bosom, in which the fire of genuine Liberty can burn, so long ae there lives one man whoscesclearly what j is the nationa d isease and remedy, so loDg l as thero is ono press, one pen, one voice, hat can speak to ihe ear of the people concerning Liberty, let not that oue despair or give over. Let one-solitary voice echo the truih undismayed, undisecuraged, j with boldness and fidelity, for it may be 1 ihai oné man can arouse a recreant nation to its duty before fute shall have sealed iis destiny beyond relrieve. When the last ! man who loves liberly shall feel his last fuinting brealh passing! from his dying lips, theB, and then only, lei it be awíul 10 despair of the republic. Uut we have se ven fhousandWh. Nay, a year ago, we had seven thousand, and now ve have increased four-fuld. And J yet, bccause we are defeated ibis once more, becuuse seven thousand men have not been able at once lo rise up into a vast muhitude enough lo control the nauw, our enemies jeer us ss the forloro hope, nnd some even of our friends would cry '-ft is a!l in vain, the Liberty Party is defeated, we can do nothing, lel us give h up." Such counsel 9 a crime ogalnst Liberty. Wc aro only defeated - not destroy ed. Wemu mure man we ever were üelore. We undersiand ourselves better. Our facties are geuiog familiar. Onrarmor bits easier. The public have got .wonted to our name- Liberty Party. Onr object begins lo Riiract attention. Siatesmen no jonger despise us. Edifors begin to think it worth their while lo nrgue with us. - Providence favors us, by ihrowing all the cnunse!s of our enemies into foolishness. Lot ihoa-e then, who relish ihe song - "the LIBERTV PARTV IS DEFEATED," - sing Ü they list. The schoolboys eau demónstrale liiat it will lake but a few more such defeats to bring ihe Liberly Party in charge of our counirj's desliniee. Instead of bo mg cast down, lel us at once go forward tu complete our organiza lions, lo ppre&t our principies, to prepare ourselvea for ihe great trust which we ore awore, wij be lorced upon us The Liberty Parly ia defeated,it is true, - but it is not deslroyed - it is growiog. - To despair of ihe Liberty Parly is lo despair uL iho republic. To ubacdou he Liberly Parly 13 to abandon ihe ualion lo the inevitable min to whjchslavery threateus. It iá to say ihat all ihe promise of our early iiisiory, all the indicaiioiw of JUivioe goodness to our fathers, all the hopea of good to the world from the iufiuen'e and éííorta of American chrisliaDS and pbilanthro;Í8is, in favor of Religión und Liberty, have failed - that tho world's deliverance is lo come from some other quarlcr, and dtat we and our father'a house nro to be destroyed - deservedly dcsiroyed for our recreancy and oppression. Where is ihe man, ivortliy of tho name of American, who, while ho livea, wül for oae niomcol, allow of such a conclusión?Nr, fellow freemetiwe have nailed our flag to Ihe slaff; wc are beginning email, as all good euterprises begin; we are prowing, all good eoterprises grow, kIow but sure; wc are tried, as all good enterpriseo aro tried, togive stabilily to the gtKHl and purgo away ihe bad; but tbe elementa of auccess are with ua and v shnil prevail. Giory to God- we shall prevail, and save our 'country.