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Southern Testimony

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Fro the Maryville (Tenn.) Intellieencer"We, of the South, are emphaticalfy surrounded by a dangerous daea of being - degraded, stupid suvoges, who, f they could but once entertain fhe idea that immediato and uncoadiíional dealb would not be their portion, would ro-act the Sr. Domingo tragcdy. But a consciousness, with all their Btupnlity, (bat a tetifold force, superior in discipline, if not in bfirbarity, woiId gat her from tho four corners of tho United Siaies, and slaughter thetn, keep them in &n!jection. Uut tothe non-elayeholding States jorliculariy, we are indebted íor a permanent Efegurd against insurreciiüu. Without iheir as$istance, thowhite populalion of the Soulfaern Ötale, wuuld be ratlier too weak to quiet thein ia their desho for liberty, which is ever ready 10 act itself out witherery ratiunal creature. WUh these faets bfor our eyes, what sort of madnesai produced by a auridiced and distoried couception of tha t'eeJings and motives by wkicb the norihern aboliiionists are actuated, eau induce the Stuih-eru political presa to urge B scverance of tho tie that biuds our uu ion togei her? To offer rewards for the heads of ihose very individuáis who tand as mediators between master und slave, urgug the one to be obcdient, and the other o do jusiicfc i To provok the displeasura af a people whose benevoleöce has been 8o greatty telt iu plsntingand supporting ihe ;ospel stundaril - enforcing tbe precept nd moralily of ihe Bible, on both maeu ud slave? But we foibear," United Sutes Bank Stock has Leen of ercd at $3 12 and no taker. We dp ot bcliövu it could now hu gi ven avoy.