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Organization And Agitation: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Jacksojí, Dec. G, 1841. To the practical friends 'of Liberty in Michigan, who are in favor of Independent Liberty Nominations. ESTEEMED FELLOW LABOKERS : - Afler congratulating you a müinent at the large uccession to our numbers, by your noble eíForts ivithin the brief period of the las year, permit us respectfully tn submit and most earnestly lo recommend to you ftr practical adopticn, what we deern an efficiënt plan for our future action, being nearly the same as that which our castern friendá have recently adopted with so much SUCCO39. We know you ore ready and auxious tooommence a more systemaüc camjiaign for Liberty.We havo bn; felí a decip conviction that the inis ffiends of Liborty every where should ínaks a simultaneous and vigorous efFjrt tocarry the claims of blced inghunianity nnd Ütoir sufformg country, direclly ta ihe m st uasopiiisticatcd anfí untramtnelQíl portion of thoir fullow ciiizens; the independent yeorcnnry; the laborjng portion of the counfry. Under tha favor of a benignant Providence,thia would seem to bo the Jast hope for the síave or forour beloved country groaníng in common, as thcy nre, under ihe same darkand .maligüant tyranny. All the eif irts nnd sacriííces of the friends of Liberty thus far to induce the nationnl, poliiical, and eclesiástica! leaders(whoseem bound by a thousand strong cords ofselfishatid wicked nterosts to the southern moloch) to array themselves in favor of Liberty nnd humanity, have usually excited but their sneers and contempt. A few noble exceptioii3 only, stand oul iu bold relief. The languagc of the conduct of this aristocratie closs, has generally been, that they were entrenched in power, "rich and increased in goods, and had need of no)hing, why trouble ye us before the time," &c. A portion of this plas?, while they have loudly proclaimed that iheir kingdora was not of this world.have laid violent ilD n fJC M nfin l nn Annnf m n - urn ui m r. .i .iitwiua Tj.vifii iiJIJlfUUIil Ill-JCI, Uilien il HU children, and sold them lifce the beasts oí the field to increase their vor!dly possessions. They have therefore wi'.h one accord, "passed by on the otber de of iheir wounded brother who was fallen among ihieves and left half dead." This they have done in open oay,vhile the hullowed terms - liberly, humanity, religión have beenglowing upon their lipsï! Let us be mlefatigahle in searching out th3 true Samaritans and teil ihem of the nmount of raiser3'and woe i.-i ihe land (hat atretches out its bleeJing hands to them for relief, and raises the imploring cry, come over to Macedonia and he'p us. Let U9 search out the truo Patriot and teil hm the truth, that his Ixelovcd coun-j íry can not much longer be worfh preserving unles3 speeiiily redeemed from fhe plague epot of slaverv, whiuh is so alann ing'y spreading (sgangrene over ihe very vitáis of the body politie. Lol us continue to hold up to the people the fearful lenglh und strength of that 'tvvoedged swonT- AMRarcAN Slavery, wljich,wit!i oneeiige cuta down its defencefoss 3,000,000 as cum berers of the ground, while with ihe üiher it is fast maiming and crjppUng íjoüsteen I millions more who vet retain but a nomí.nal freedom. Let us continuo lo hold up lo an abused people lheir half u million of petitions in behalf of outraged hurmnity, sacrifked as they have been on ihe bloody altar of slavery by six successive scssioiu of Congress. Lot us keep befWe the penple, ihe hurailiating history ihat tbe piratic-il sysien of slavery o our country, wliile t crushes threo millions of innocent people and glories in its .guilt and shame, gives tone,ani law and basoless systems of finance toour politically deceived and deluded nation Let us continue to show to the people that efibrts lo establisb a prosperous and permanent eystem of finance in our country before the liberation of the enslaved millions will ever prove as unavailing as the procrastination of doing justice to ihe oppreèsed, will be cruel and wicked. Let us show to the sovereign people, that un til they will abolish their own piracy ai lheir ownseal of governmenr (wherc free pcopie are every day presumed te be guiltv of being fugitive slaves,and imprisoned as such, and then ifnoma-fettízappears for his prey, so!d into siavery for lheir jail fees) the nations of the earth will jusily hold up lo 8corn and derision our boaslful and hollow pretensions to republicanism nnd equal nghts, and also that we rnust expect the heavy judgements of Hcaven to fall upon us.Let Uá show to the peoplc the shallow and wicked sophistries of the expediency constantly rcorted to by pro-sl.ivery men n Church and State, to perpetúate iheir domínatiou over an injured and degradad people by fostering thair unfounded prcj;idices and thu3 leaguing nortliern with Bouthern hand?, dripping wiih the blood oí oppreion. Let us. stil! shrnv to ihe people how thc South with les íñtni one half the free population of the Union, manago to have the mnjority ofvhe Stjpreme Cuurt of the United States - 'he President and Vice President of thö Nation, Speaker of the House; Attorney nnd Postmaster Generáis; si.sevenïhsof thei'oreign Ministers of State and olher important national appointmenti. Let tis show io the people tliat these soutli ern Fareign Ministers (while their great. expense to the nation has mostly come out of the hard carninga óf the northern laborer) have been negotiating abroad fora frce niarkct and high pnces for southern products--cotlon and tobáceo; and have joined hands wilh Ihe English nobility and land holders lo continue ihc very oppressive cokn i,av, the effect of which has been to pruhibit northern producís entering fureign ports and thus lessened the incomeofth.e nortlíern farmer probahly one half.and curtailed the natural and fair pecuniary means of the nonhern penple many millions annually. L,Gt us contiaue to demónstrate toihe people that die división of the public liind.s and the surplus revenue among theSiaie.s by the most unjust principie of zeekoning 3,000,000 of' slaves, politically equal 10 twu-ihirds this numher of nominal frecmen, harobüed the northern laborer (in this tem alone) oí neailv one hundrtnimiüions, lo support tho extravagant umi Jdle sl=tvnlio!der, ond lo keep up a liih naii'nil premium to uncoumgo and support sojthern slavery. Letu3 continue to keep bojUre tlie peoplc the dlarmirig liict ihat nine slave State, whh i lesa nummer offree popula lion ih;in ilie Siao of Now York alone,] have more ilian tloulile the numbor of elecloral voies, nnd niric times tiie niimber oï United States èoatori;, ouing to 'hcïir de?po(ic.i! propcrfy representatiun in oui" bo.isted free góvernment.Let us ho!d ti tö ihe people l!io poüiical inequality and the 3ángerou3 lendj&ncy of ihe property reprcsenlaiioti in a government ibat would be fice, in the inlanee thal there are already eight congressiunal slave districU, each of which elect-; a tnem ber of Congress ly less than 1000 votes of freemen, whilo it requires from 8 t- 10, 000 vutes to elc(;t a member of Congress '! in ihe non-slaveholding Sïalcs. Letus exhiba lo the people the exclusiveness of southern pol ii es to soulhern interests, in the fact, that out of 515 electoral votes given hy the south from IS 10 to 1S33 (20 years) but 11 ol thern were iven for any man hut a shiveholder, amJ that no slave State [except MarylanH in one instancej'ever gave ifs elecionil v.oie for any northern man until they foundone in 1837 of avowed "-souther i ■principies1'1 alia?, the sübstaxce fur slavery aud the shadoto fïjr freedom.Let us keep before the peop!e the fact lint while slaveholders tyranniqatjy refuse tohenror torend a petition frotn norihern pcopie. rcïaiing in the rnosl disfant menner to slavery, iliey reacüly lay their northern allios unrier heavy nnd grievous conlributions ofmany nnlüons tooarry on their blood-hound wars to externiin:ile onr otherwiso pencofu! red hrethrerf of Florida, to destroy ihe last refute tr lie wreïched victims of slavelioiding cupidity and tyranny. Let usas t'r as possible fuliy develope he deep and dark conspiracy bet ween s.iuihern slaveholders and ihoir norlhern abeltors, rigidly to rule the mafsoi'the pcoplo in tliis counlry their nwn special benefit and ugr.indizcnirin'. For ihis end let us show by the uoifonij course ofiheir le.xdingpresses and theirown ocls in Co igtess, that these consprátors agiinstlhft rights and liberlies of (he people, are puruing the same course to niain tain their ill gollen power, that all tyrntilsHave ever done, i keop ihe people (otally bünJlothe engine ofiheir own desiruction and of the e.xaltation of tlieir deslroyers. Let us constantly hold up to the peoole the remarkable fact thatwhilc our jreal northern política! leaders, our Van Burens and our Websters are always &rict party men, and vil!.i ihu utmost ser„ vilily and obscquious rivalship in all (heir poliiical gatnllinr, play into the hands of iheir souihern pampered political master?, to thegreat destruction of northern rihts an-1 northern Iiberties - the great soiTthern leaders, their Calhouns and IViscsare nolpr.rtij rnen bu t souihern men, and dernand and obtain ALL from the norlh and concede nothing in return. liet us also show to the people that the leadinömvery ecciesiastical nationul influerices chime in witli this exclusive sotnhern slaveho!d;nif policy. and is-equally as subversivo of the riguts nnd liberlies of ihc northern penple. Thouh ihe foreoing imporfint facts and cotisiderations, and a host of otlier simihir ones, are quite fomiliar to those of us who have tnvestiLnted the two ibld tyranny of American Slavery, vet let us" ever bear in mind, that but ycsierday we too were in comparative darkness and noranee on the whole suliject. When we remember this, and also tliat by the light o'truth our numliers have inore than trebled the last year in our own State and throughout the country shall we not more than treble our eiTorls f not our coniributions for the year to come, tosipato pro-slavery darkne&9 by the widc difiusion of Anii Slavery liïit, the more rapidly to advance the great and righieous cause in which we think weseeunder the favor f Providence the only salvalion of th; slave or our country. Let us most earuo.ily exhort our fellow citizens, notas partizana r sectaries, but as christians, philanthropists and patriota, lovers of liberty & their country, tocóme out from the pro-siavery parlies, and rally around the libcríy standard, lili theslave and ihe nation are Irce. Let us heseech all who unite with us to aocomplish this great object, to su (Ter on no consirlerntion any dividmg qijestion ui' any nature, however piausihïy the ariful lemptntion niay present ilself, to distruct uur ranks, weakcn our eneries, and tlius bripg ue down Irom our high and holy niission of restoring lib'erty to theslavc, toourselves and children and saviugour nalion if possiblofrom the sad catastrophe oC the ill-fatcd by-gone republics. Let us never seek nor adinit ofany compromise r tioti of our great cause, comparecí with which, i's imporfance eclipses all other pöHtfcul questions in our country as does the rnid-day sim Ihe dimmer orbs. Let us never be satisfied to acqu.ire a mere balance of politica! power, but keep our standard high, nnd by Ihe potency of our principie?, constuntly labor "till the whole íurnp is leavened,"' to win sound und permonent conveits to the true hberty siand.ird, to act out in all tbe relalion3 of lüe ths etenial principies of right as embodicd in uur immorial dcchirution oi'inclepenfienoe.Lot us ever feel nur.owti rlorious iiberty principies in their mpcomprebcnivc seuse, vvhcn fully develojx.-d and licar jiily emhruecd, are niighnras a bond of uni.m, compared wiih yhic1i 'etfperien'ce dctnoristralës tlml the principies (:f indeed they Iinvenny prHciples)jf exp.edlent prosl.ivery par lies ure but us 'Topes of sand." Lot us ever adhere lo, and live out. our heaven born and soul inspirih principies, Hnd Jnbor unweariedly, anti sacrifice chcei fully, to propigate ihein universa lly für the ulüioato deiiverance of the slave and our country. Whaï ifselfiih pro-slavery pirtizins andiectaries (whoae tnany .-mail deus upoti ibis great SüijfiCt woufd never am.mnt to "d general issuo" füf the lack of h disposition anti argurriènta lo meet the true aód devoted Friehtls ol'liher '.y aian.'ully, ofien impudently ilwow it intiicir luce iliauhey are men of'one idea'! VVhu does nut knotv ihat this is the same eontcmp'.ous vveapon with whieh prouJand "fut hearted" tymuts have ever níet (he irue and self sacrific-ing friendsorall real am valunble reforms in iho world? Let iis sü'll le "sin!c hearted1' and glory te aét upon our one great idea until universal liherty iriuinpli, even as did our noble "fiinalicai" fathers ii their lúng nnd niL-morable slfugglé ti!l llie tyrunt yuke !ell {rom tlieir neck?. Hoed nut ihe hypnctitical cry moral suasion! moral su.ison ! aione lo destroy ihe American juigertiaiit, crushin ihe sluve nnd iiio nutinn uriíler its Moodywhcelty.vhen llu's cl:: mor usually phícceda iVoin men ''tip o their very eyes" in ihe Ibulcst of the "filthy walers of politics," not for libeiiy and iheir country, tul f..r party. VVfiile man y wili osientatiously p'rpcljtjni their "abolition faiili" as a passpnrt to o:ir favor, "wuhout iheir woik?," lei ti9 prove our fitiih by our wurk?, reineinbcring that "We have a weapon firmer e&t And betur f han the bnyonet, A vveapon which coruea down as siill As snovv flalces fail upon ihe sod, Bul executes n frecman's uiil As lighuiing does the vvill of God, Nor from its forcenor bars nor locks, Can shieid them- 'üs thu ballot box." The eonuniltee deern ii of the iHmost importoure to the ppecdy and certain iriumph of uur qausé that iincoinpr-miL-iiig liberlynoiniualions ofsuch candidates on ly as are decidcdlv in favor of our principies and our measures bc early tnade inau u.e uivvns ai me ensning town elections andihororghly supportcd m defpile ofevcry üureasonable uppositipn or abuse with which ihe straight forward and ntrepid frieods of liberty may in sume instances have to encounter. "No cross no crown." Lel our moito for liberty be like ihut of the miser's for gold, "tnke care of the pennies and theguineas wijl take care cf themselvcs." The rugged political baltlcs in uur counjry bctween the marshailed hosts of light and cnrkness- freedom and slavery must be fought in all ihe townships. Here the true friends of iiborty must bucle lo on the annor to meet. the toe, however untqual their numbers. They wijl be mighty in the strength of their principies. uGreat is truth and it wijl prevail," Uut iruih to give it power must be acted upon. Soldiers whose courage should fail them in srnaü entnpanies or scouting parties could never be depended on whenarrayed in the open battle rield by regiment?, battulions or brigades. If all the towns conlaining rnany or few liberly men shall soon be thoroughly organized for the liberty party by the appointment of efficiënt lown and school district commitlees, liberty nominalionsseasonably and truly made and every inch of ground fïrmly contested by every honest and honorable means it will prepare the woyfor the important fall elections for the state legislalure and for congress. The large inórense of ihe liherty vote at the lateelcction in all the Siates where liberty nominations were made, and the wonderworkingprovidence in favor of our principies ond our meassuros, l-.ave given our glorious cnuse a iievv and power ful ímpetus. What true fiienc of liberiy will not be on ihe alert, wisely to impruve so minifest indientionsfor goud. Our eastern friends seem overy wheregreaily encourngcd. They are luunifesiing it by (heir increased aciivity and llieenlurgementof tlieir coulributions to sustain and advance the cause. God Hfid justice aie surely on our side We eau have nothing to fear of a speedy nnd glcrioua triumph of our righteous cause but inertnes?. ilübcrality or unjust and d-ineiouscompromise?. None will come out ftom theold politica 1 parlies and openly and fully ideniify themselves wiili the liberty purly unlil they see ihe subject as t s, footh upon jusiice and sound policy, demanding the entire and hearty political support of the phüanlhropist and the patriot. As far as the disinterested portion of the people see the subject in thia it truelight they will ral!y around the liberty standard and cheer us on to victory. i Our cause has every where long been greatly and cruelly misrepresenled by nterested pro-slavery politieians and others. Tbis will continue to be done tl ï 1 the causé shall finally triumph over all oppositiÓD. - The people theroforc while luuoring under the falso impressiou of these misrepresentaiions will continue to view our cause through prejudiccd e, es. 'J'lie question wiih evcry true and enlighttned friend of lihcrly i?, how can oiir whole cause !e trtily presented, in the epeediesl and most eífectual munaer lo the people? Huve we :he mean?, ñnd if so, wil! we cheerfully and lilierally impart them for the empluyinfnt of a sui!a!)le number oí' travelling leciurcrs to d up :he greal! wurk fur u? in a short time? [f net lel us ;tll at oncesystcmaliciiÜy and simultane-, ously eiifer ujion the nblo work'.1 Let usudnpt thntnfóst efficiënt plin of ao-1tion ot nur eastern irientis as Kcfore alluded (o, nnd persevero in it, and íiiint rrol lili Ihc glorious work shnll bc fully accom■plisiied. Let us til mak e a rally to get U'pj jiberty meetings in our respective lowns,' in school district No. 1, on Mónday cvening the 20 inst. and keep thetn u{ eek-, y till u! the söhoul dlsuicts are tlius vis-1 ited in rolation and then repeat ihem in order. At ;ill tlte tneetinys let n!l the liberty frieiids n the town andas niütiy others as clin be procurcd, 1-9 present and prppared to cominunicale impurlaut facls to the jjople who will come toguiher to herir. Tiiis can be done with important effect., eilher by wriiten bddress or by redipg prinled ducu:nents fulj ijf important factsor by free and familiar Cfnversatioti and remarki-, as may bu'sjt fiuit iojJi-j viduals who wili (uke pari in the meetings. The re aro hundí eds oí' Iiííriív mn ?;Wthe álate wlio mht sooa tender tliemselves of greut sei vico to ihe cause in thts way. Wliat active liherty men ia the lowiis vvül at once s;ep i'orward and carry this glorious plan ifitofuil effect? A ver few men in a town, Ff they wilt. ciin accomplisli wonders with the trull). At all these district meetings after the ohjcls of our enterpriseshull have been specifieully defincd, a' town and district liberty roll, kept Ijy the chairman of i!ie tuw'n and district commitlcesshouKI bel prerenied lv'. the signaiures of such as wil! unite with' u? in yoli.ig (ur liherty nominess providinir' they are otherwise competent lor the ofifces for which they nmy le norr.inaled. An efficiënt liberiy coinmHtce shonld be appointed in every fown and 'district, and two or more .ubscribers obtuiued for the "Signal of Libcrtv."