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Will bopubliáliod evpry Weifnesday morn fngm Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, )y t!ic Executivo Commiltcc, for the Michigan Slale Sla very Socicly. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Tbrms.- -: 52,00 per annum, in ad vanee. $2,50 in six monlhs. $C-,00, t' payment bc delayed to tlio close of the year. A strict odherence to the abovc terms wUl be obscrvcd n evory ense. Ö-Xo paper will bo aiscontinued unliloll nrrearages nre paid.]} Advertisements Uiankfully received and Inserlcd at Uic usual prices in this vicinity. Any friend of humauity tlcsiring to nid the "cause of Liberty, is autliorizcd to act as AgeAll remittancrs and all communientions designad tor publication or in any manner relating to fho "Sigtial of Liberty, ," wül be hereafter addresscd {-rposi püid.-jQ) Signal of Libertv; Jlnn irboi; Aíich." out TraveJIittg asul Tócal Agcnts, ! ÏJJROUGHOUT THE STATU, ARE KSPRCIALLT RBQUKSTHn TO NOTICE TUK T.ER.MS ON WHICti TUIS PAPKR IS PUDLISHED. As IT 13 EXPECTED THBÏ AV1LL MAICB THEIR C0L1ECTION3 AND RE.MITTANCES IN A.CCORDANCE 1HEKEWITII, IiN EVERT 1NSTAKCE. ■ ■ _ i S1GNAL OF LIBERTY.


Signal of Liberty
Old News