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The Revenue

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The receipts into th treasury of the Vn ted States from March 4, 1789, to Dece ber Sist, 1836, were S7l9,045;65L O this Pum, 8682,987,784 were from the cus totas. For the greater part of this last sum was paid by the North, as s evident fiora threo facts. 1. Four fifihs of the duties were paid in Northern ports. 2. The population of the free States is much greater tban that of tbe slaye States. 3. They consume much möie, the inhab tante being all free. $22,253,045 are the product of the interna 1 reveiiue. The public lands n ihe free States have been a far more fruitful source of revenue than those in theslavestates. 1,095,327 dollars were received for postage, the largér portion of which ey.ery bodyKnows is pau! by the freo States. Slayes schloui write letters or subscribe for papera. 12,742,294 were the product of direct taxation, and of this the free States paid more thau tlieir Bharo, because they were taxed according to iheir cnlire popuiation, hi!e the slave States were taxed according to their white populalion, and only tbree fifths uf the blavua. If these thinga are so, (aníVlio disputes tlieir correctneji?) it behooves the northern people lo be careful bow their tnonies are disbursed, and look well to the manner of dividing iho surplus portions of the revenue.CC?The State of Illinois is blessed with aéblack law conlaininga multiludeof provis ioti3 intcnded to oppress the people of color. Any peraon hurburing or secreting any negro or pereon of color, owing service or labor to any person in the United States, sha] be fined not exceeding 500 dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding eix monthe.. Another provisión declares that "a negio, mulatto or an Indian sliall not be a witness in any court, or in any ca9e ugainst a white person - a person ha ving one foiirth negro blood is adjudged a mulatto." This enactment strips tbe colured man of nearly all protection the law could otherwÍ6e gjvc hira. A white scoundórel can commit any outrage upon the person or property or family of the colored raan, and how is he to get redres?, unless a white person should be accidentallv present? What nerd of goiog to the Scuth to preach the principies of liberty, while such enactments are on the Statute bouks of the free States?We understand Cass C-jumy gave eighl or nine Liberty votes. We ure glad of ihat. Tliey were worth too much to be ihrown öAvay on a slavcïy 'party. Tull mtu those who put them'in. Next ycar wc shali see a iarge representalion for Liberty in ihat connty. Remember ihat the causo grows. The liberty vote has ucrensecd tbe present year in every place in the Uniled States except New York Ciiy.(rirWe publish (o d iy the commtinica tiuii of W. M Süllivan al hia special request, nd he will of course be considered responsible for its spirit, and for he Irutb f iis stalemenis. Coleridge very justly defines public opintion as "the average prejudices of the commuuity." Every one has iiis share of iufluenco ia this joint stock governmeñí,and must have a ehare, do as he may. Are you afraid of your neighbor? Depend upon if, your neighbor is likewise afraid of you;and wfiich. ever ot you dares to be most free and trnthful gaine the greater ascendoncy over the other. The Union Missionary Society have decided to send uut to the Mendi country B8 mis9ionarie8, Henry R. Wiison, a colored man of Hartford and hia wife. They ore to embark with the Mendians tnmediately." - -Mr. W . is a native of Barbadoes, and has been a slavo. flThe population of Iowa territory is 8aid to bo large enough to entitle it to admission into theUnien as aStaie. 07"A part of lUe linicle on the first page headed "Prcoress," was accidentally mis. placee in part of the impre.wsion beforu it was noliced.