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Will bo publbhed ovcry Wedneeday morn Ing m Aun Arbor, Wnshtenaw county, Micfiignn, by the Excctilive Committec, for the Michigan Slale SlaQery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Tkrms. - 2,00 per anuum, in advance. $2,50 in six montks. S3.00, 'f payment bo delayed to the close of the year. etrict ndhercnce to the abovc tekms vvili bo obsorrcd in evcry case. 0-No paper will bc discontinued unlilall orrearages are pai(l.=5Lj) Advbrtisemhnts t.ínkfu!ly receivcd anti inoerled at the usual prices in this vicinity. ; Any friend of liumanitv drsiring to aid tlie cause of Libertij) is authorizcd to act as Agent. All remittancks and all Communications' designod for pnblication or m any manner' relating to the "Signal of Liberty," ?i!l be hereafter addressed (jCpost l);ude} Sional of LiBunrr; Ann Jlvbor, Mich,V Our TvaveJÜans aud LccííH Agents, i Througiiout the State, aur kspecially BqUESTED TO KOT1CE TUR TERMS ON WHICn TUIS PAPEH IS VÜELISIIED. As IT IS EXPECTED THi:r 1VILL BIAKE ÏHEIR COL-I 1BCTI0N3 AND RliAIITTANCES IN A.CCORDANCE1 THEREWITH, IN EVERY INSTA NCE. . i - ■ , I SIGNAt. OF L.1BERT1T. -


Signal of Liberty
Old News