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We makc no apology for ihe epacc occupied by the message. Every one doubtlees desircs to road it.and rcad it all. It is as con. ciso as (lic nature of tii-c subjects treated of will permit. We iike tbe spirit of it - plain, straight forvvard, and unequivocal. The seizure and detention of American vessels, alledged to hae been engaged in the African slave trade, wil) probably afford matlor fir negotiation and uewspaper para- graplis for eome lime, until the principie of thoriglit of seaich shall ue established on a fixed basis. It will be sccn the President! ia still very anxious for the suppression of1 the dfrican slave trade. Wlien that shallj be accomplished, vvo invite hirn to examine i the elave trade in Washington. Mr. Gid-' djihjs says, that tho harsh voice of the human flesli auctioneer may be heard when itanding in front of the Capítol. Has Presdenl Tti,er never heard it, or does he rather j hear it with pleasure? . The paragraph on Rice Dulic3, a subject "so interesling to eeveral of the Sauthern States." should also be regarded wilh intertercst by the wheat raisers of tho Norlh. - ! What dot;s it show? It dcmonstrates thatj we have a ulaveholding President, and a Min-, ister at the court of St James, who h;is been laboring to make a inarket for rice, hile the beef and pork and flour of j ern farmers is accumulating ui the warehou-j Bes at prices which, in many cases, will not, jay the cost of produclion. Wliy has not' an effurt been made to secure a maiket for northern producís? The arnount ófrico ex-j ported from the United States in 1839, was' iovalue less than g2,000,000, while the ex-j porlatidn of bread stuffs amounted lo $15000,000. Northern men can nowseethci benefit of having nearly every foreign min- ister from Among the elaveholders. The eulogy on Texas and iisfree institu-! tions is disgusting. It is hoped that "our brave officera and mea" will, n the course of time, make an end of the Florida war. The plan for another Piscality was evN; deutly manufactuted for the occasion, to fulñl the promise of proposing one, nnd sat-1 isfying the expectations of tha Whigs. It would seem, frorn the doubiful manner inj which the President speaks of ils utiüty, and: his nbuudant 'readiness to sanction its aholition, in case it should not moet public expectation, that he had but httle confidence that]Congress would adopl U, und lilllc faitli in ita efficacy, should it go nto opera tion. Apart; from the Fiscality, his ideas on tlie curreocy aregood, and well deserve allention.