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Will be published cvery Wednesday mom ingm Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Micliiann, by the Executive Committfie, for the Michigan State Anti-Slavery Society. tf. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Trkms. - $2,00 per nnnurn, in advance. $2,50 in si.v months. $3,00, i f payment bo dclayed to the close of the ycar. A strict a d riere nee to the above terms will be obscrved in every ensc. Q7"No paper will bo discontinuad unlüall orrearages avo paid.jC Advertiskments tliankfully received and nserled at tho usual prices iti this vicinity. Any friend of humanity desiring to aicï the cause of Liberty is authorized. to act au Agent. All nEMiTTANCRs and all Communications tlesigncd for publication or in any manncr relating to the "Signal of Liberty," wül bo hereafter addresscd Qpost pjnd.j})' 'SlGNAL OF LlBERTV; Jihíl JlvÜOT. Mick." Oaa' Tí-;'cYím% zmd Local Agcisís, Throughout the State, akk especially rbquksted to notice the terms on WmCH THIS PAPEK 13 P0BI,ISHED. As IT IS EXPECTED THKST WILL ÍIAKE TUEIR COLLRCTIONS AND REITTANCKS IN A.CCORDANCE THERfiVITH, IJÍ EVERY INSTAN CE. ' SÏGNAL OF HBERTY. Wcducsda, December 29, IS41.


Signal of Liberty
Old News