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The Mercer (Pa.) Luminary Gives An Account Of A Slave ...

The Mercer (Pa.) Luminary Gives An Account Of A Slave ... image
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■Tr-Thc Mercer (Pa.) Luminary gives nn account of a alave caso which recently occuTed thero. Two slavehunters Imd been in chase of some fugitives who had laken a portion of master's goods wilh (hem. Having been unsuccessful in their bunf, they coucluded tliey would make ntnènds by seizing two colored men whomthey snpposed to be ftigiiive slaves. Accoïdinyly, they procured a juslice of the peaco to endorsé the warrant which had been laken out for those who had already escnped to Cunadn, and on tuis warrant they arrested n coloied man, beat him wilh clubs, bound him fust, nndhurried hitn ofl' to slavery without any examimtion or trial whaiever. Wc r.ominend this case to Gov. Barry, wlo Ihinks colorcd peopte are seldonj or nevered untl carried into sluvery unless they rcully nre fugitives lïom slavery. But, Governor, wliocan lell whethor a man s a slave to anoihcr unlesd ihe fict be provcd? How can you or any olher person tel! wheiher or notfhis man was reallya ílaveor a fr'eenian, seing the fact wus nol inquired into? Anrl ought not evcry mnn's liberly to besecured !y a jury trial ?Gerril Smith's Tennessee Corresponpent writes: - The South h füll or asti-slavery. IVhen the North is stronj,' and deeided, t will burt like a fíame in ih Soulh."