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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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Anw AuBon, Dec. 25, 1841. Messrs Ex. Commitlee. - I observe that you have published my cummunicniion in the'Signal' of Dec. 15th, entitled Canada Mts?lON,with ihe following editorial uotice. 'We publish to day the comrnunication of W. M. Süllivan at hts special request.nuá be will of course be considered responsible for ils spirit, and for t!ie truth of i Is statements." I am not aware I made a special request in relution to the publication of that article, any more than oihers, that I have submiUed to you for the purpose. I supposed thut my coinniunicalion appcaring over my proper signature made me rasponsible "for its spirit and for the trulli of its stutemen.'s." í rnake tan invariable rule o publish nothi.ig tlmt 1 am unwilling to beur in the entina áuihorship. The impression is made in yóür notice that there is impropriety in the spirit and tóe want of trutk in the statements of my letíer. Oí this Í am not awnre. I supp08edyou knew me woil enough, to know that I am ever willing to correct any thing improper in ihe spirit, or incorrect in the tatoments of all ihat I submit fr the ptess. Ishould have chosen that you would have specified in the wrongs of my letter rather than to have noticcd it in a wuy which evidently causea your readers tó examine it with numberless sufpicions. I am not so sensitivo in respect to your notice as it affjcis my auihorsiiip, us I um with the embarras8ment it may occasion to nn holy project. While I award loyou gentlemen, to you all and to each, iho utmost purity of purpose, I teel that the manneryou have noticed tny letter 3 somo ■ what unbefitting tiie ppirft ihnt ehould actaato brethren laboring to promote the same good cause. I do think thnt aboütionists have enough to encounter from theiravowed opponents, without obstructmgthe labor of each olher,eiiher directly or indirectly.