Children Selling

'For Chinese parents to sell their children, is no uncommon thing. The price of a child in Singapore, varies according to its age. A very young child, as we are told, says the missionaries, is worth more than one eight or nine years old, as one very young is said soon to forget its natura! parents, and will consider its owners as its parents. Gang, one of the pupils in the mission schools, was sold for fifteen dollars. She had been sold once before, as the missionaries were informed, for $30, but the purchaser, when she found that Gang was bound to the missionaries 'or five years, refused to take her. In all cases, the Chinese who buy children in this way, treat them as their own children." The above is from "The Day Spring," a paper published by the American Board of Foreign Missions, and is cited for the express purpose of showing that the heathen are "without natural affection." Yet how much better do these Chinese treat the children that they buy, than do the Christians of South Carolina or Louisiana! - These latter are so much more degraded than the Chinese, that they rob the parents of their children without buying them at all: or if they buy them, it is only the purchase of stolen properly from one thief to anolher. These Christians show themselves below the heathen by their manner of treating the children: they use them like brutes, while the Chinese "bow down to wood and stone," treat them as their own children. What an honor to Christianity these children-sellers are! When a Chinese sells a child, it proves that he is a heathen, and needs the Gospel: when a christian of the South robs the parents of their child, and the child of its liberty, and sells it, and pockets the money, or puts it into the treasury of the Missionary Board - what does it prove?
Old News
Signal of Liberty