
-At the sumptuous dinner given to the Prince de Joinville, in New York, Philip Hone, formerly mayor of the city, gave the following toast in allusion to the French Frigate, La Belle Poule, commanded by the Prince: 'The Pet Chicken of the French Navy. - She has proved the coffin of a military hero, and may hereafter be the cradle of a naval one. We give her a hearty God speed; may she be always successful, whenever her cause is just; but otherwise, unsuccessful; but if ever she is opposed to an American ship, may she be unsuccessful, right or wrong. And I also give you The United States - may she be always right, but always successful, right or wrong.' The Liberator remarks : ''The best excuse that could be offered to shield the man who could give such an impious toast, would be to say that be was so fuddled with wine, at the time, as to be oblivious to the claims of decency, the requirements of justice, and the retribulions of Heaven. And how far such an excuse would go, we leave John Hawkins and his arrny of redeemed Washingtonians to decide. This is what is called patriotism! lt elicited a burst of applause! - Mr. Hone is certainly remarkable for his morality and disinterestedness. Suppose France and the United States should become involved in a war; suppose this country should be the guilty aggressor; and suppose further, that an engagement should take place between La Belle Poule and Old Ironsides. On which side would he have victory incline? On that of the French ship, to be sure; for he prays that she may be successful, whenever her cause is just! But stop! there is some mistake here. After all, he is for giving the victory to Old Ironsides, whether 'right or wrong'! How both parties could be victorious under such circumstances, it would puzzle the sober moments of Mr. Hone, or of nny other 'patriot,' to tell."
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Francois d'Orleans
Philip Hone
New York NY