State Legislature

In Senate, Jan. 3. - The Senate was organized by appointing Mr. Kingsley President, pro tem, and Mr. Kellogg, secretary. The Senate went inio a joint convention, after which the Lieut. Governor appeared and took his seat. The House was called to order by the appointment of Mr Bingham, Speaker, pro tem; and E. J. Roberts of Detroit, Clerk. The joint convention rules of the last session were adopted. Mr Lamb gave notice of a bill to repeal the Suspension Act. In joint Convention, the votes for Governor were canvassed, and the result was as follows: For Mr. Barry, 20,795 " FulIer, 15,496. " Fitch, 1,214. Lieut. Governor, Richardscn, 20,753. " Bostwick, 15,536 [We shall publish the full table herafter.] The Governor and Lieut. Governor appeared and were qualified, when the Governor delivered an Inaugural address, setting forth the excellence of our institutions, which "secure, in harmonious union, universal freedom and equality of rights, and the undisputed supremacy of wise and beneficent laws." There are those who think some of these positions not a little erroneous. In Senate, Jan. 4. The following officers were elected: Secretary, S. Yorke Atlee, of Detroit. Engrossing Clerk, J.E. Platt, of Washtenaw. Sergeant-at-arms, Benjamin Sherman, of St. Joseph. In the House, the following were elected permanent officers: Speaker, K. S. Bingham, of Livingston: Clerk, E, J.Roberts, of Wayne: Engrossing Clerk, A. M. Arzeno, of Monroe : Doorkeeper, T. C Smith, of St. Clair. The House refused to order any newspapers - directed members at the close of the session to hand back the Revised Statutes - directed the Librarian to keep an account of stationary furnished the members, and passed a resolution requesting the city clergy to open the sessions with prayer, providing no money to pay them should be taken out of the Treasury. In Senate, Jan . 5. Mr. Bell moved a joint resolution, authorizing the Governor to employ a private Secretary, which was passed. A resolution inviting the clergy of the city to officiate as chaplains was laid on the table. A resolution was passed directing the Commissioner to let no more contracts on the Central Rail Road. In the House, sundry petitions were presented. The standing Commiltees were announced by the Speaker. Mr. Fessenden moved a re-consideration of the vote of yesterday, directing the stationary to be placed in the Library. Mr. Crary stated, that last year the stationary charge for each member of the Senate amounted to $30 a head. He tho't that was too much. The resolution of yesterday was reversed; so that the stationary is not to be locked up in the library. Mr. Fessenden moved an enquiry into the propriety of repealing the Two Third Law. Carried. Mr Lamb brought in a bill to repeal the Suspension Act. The House agreed to ihe Senate resolution, authorizing the Governor to employ a Private Secretary, during the present session - ayes 40, noes 5. Mr Lothrup moved a joint committee to receive sealed proposals for doing the public printing. Carried. In Senate, Jan. 6. Mr. Fuller called up the joint resolution offered by him on Tuesday, instructing our Senators, and requesting our Representatives in Congress to use their exertions to prevent the adoption of any rule whtch will abridge the right of petition. The resolution was adopted - yeas 12; nays 4. On motion of Mr Greenly, the resoluion was re-considered, and Mr. Kingsley moved to amend the same so as to instruct our Senators, and request our Representatives also to use exertions to prevent the passage of any law creating any banking corporation or power. The amendment was adopted by a party vote. The resolution, as amended, was on mution of Mr. Gidley, laid on the table.
Michigan State Legislature
Old News
Signal of Liberty
James Kingsley
D. W. Kellogg
Kinsley Scott Bingham
E. J. Roberts
John Merritt Lamb
Jabez S. Fitch
John S. Barry
Philo C. Fuller
Origen D. Richardson
Thomas J. Drake
S. Yorke Atlee
J. E. Platt
Benjamin Sherman
A. M. Arzeno
T. C. Smith
Digby V. Bell
C. B. H. Fressenden
Isaac Edwin Crary
Edwin A. Lothrop
Edward L. Fuller
William L. Greenly
Townsend E. Gidley