
Our readers aro wcll aware that Congress is a very talkative body, and generally slow in :t8 opsrations. Consequently they wilt net, fxpect uiqch important action upon the Curroricy, and kindred matters during the first month of the session. But abuJition stares them in the faco on cvery petition day, and must be met. The following description ofour prospecte at Waeliinglon h from the correspondencti of the Navv York American, daied Dc. 15'The aspect of ihe Anti-Slavery move ment is most formidable; and the Suütherncrs in spite of themseives, manifest unusual alarm at it, hut in an unusual way. They see that ihis"a (tempt (o dam up ihe waters of the Nile vvith bulrushes," has only aggravated and extended the movemenf, gtven t dep;h, enery and a hold on the sympathies o( Northern freernen, thut it vvuuld have been slow toacquire wiihout. The linie rivulet that might have trïckled utiheard and unnoiiced tbrough its lo,vnnd unobstruetcd channel, has, by damming up, accumulaled a deiuge, whoserapid risios are now fast subrnerging the valleys and the hills, and setting back upon the recesses of the S"orth,to break loosc inevilably, soon or ate, and ihesooner the better, becauso he lighter, upon all below, wi'th a forcé bat may oversweep tlie continent, ihal vlij Shafee the Southern mouniams to heir bate arid shatter the piUara of their ridè. The Anti Sl.tyèry cause,by this thought e?s obslruction, has already become the c;iusc of free diácussionreedom of speech. Voutheiw righis and Northern honor.- You mny see ibid by noticing the remark ible faet that (hese pciilions are signed ïot byoh{ women, chiidren, and neroea, s was aaid ia linies past, but by "legai voters' every one of' them being so in aded and certified; and these "leal votrf," loo, in hundreds, in places where ilie ridiculoua 'aboli;ion' ticket does not po!l its tens. The numberof several thousands of ihese formidable pelitioners have been filed yeslerday, and today, before the astonishftd gazö of the Somhernere, who know as well as you do that this class of men jyp sucli numbers, must have influenre on a conlested eleclion, enough to detcrniine the course of the Whig and Loeo Foco Representa lives who present their petitions. Massachusetls, Vermont, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, have-poured ihem in to-day, and the style in which not only avowcd abolitionists. but moderate Whigs, and even Loco Focoes like Floyd aud Brewster, pfëèenjted these p-jperp, showed tliat it was no joke. iHcnvarn, of Michigan representing Ãjn his single person un unequuiled constituency of 250.000, had his desk piled with ihese peüiions of'icgal votersand on tlic Southern ground of 'obedience lo instruclioiis,1 these must be expccted 10 have a practical effect on him, and their laïkely increased representation in the next Co-! gress. Messrs. Cost Julmsun and Wise toolc appeals (o-day from ihe decisión of ihe Speaker on two classes of these petitions. wiiich w'ill he dcbuted to-morrow or soon after. Mr. Uuderwood also gave notice tliat he should take thut occasion lo 'address the lluuáe and the country on Ihat subject. Aa to Mr. Cost Johnson'á contrivance of smuggürig tue tweniy-ñrst rulo upon the iiouae by postponing the débale on the rules last Friday, much as he prides him self on such a pretty piece of finesse, it is only laughed at by those who understand the machinery of the rules. Though you supposed, and most people supposcd, the original question of the rules was 'nailed to the tablé unless taken from it by a volé 'óf two third?,whicii cannot bc had,'yet the rules can be amended at any lime, by a day s no'.ice, and they will bu so amended dirce ly. Thè petitions for a repeal of the twenty-firsl rule are already referred to a special committee of nine, of which Mr. Adams will be the chairman, with a majonty friendly to the measure;and they will prom'ptly reporta resoluiion for its repeal, which will pass by a handsome rnajoriiy.The Tariffqucstion wil! turn out to have some queer sympatbies whh the Abolitio question, and will flourish in ihis connecuon. It. will be a litile ünfortunate for "the peculiar institutions,1' if at the satnc time timt they exact these grtevous sacrili ces frotn our seif-respect and liberty, the producÃs of sJavc labor nre thrusl for wordas the subject of exclusive legislativo protection, the only anieles through which Northern men are to obtain two thirds of their "wares and wearubles." This business of making the Federal Union a mere "regulationofexchanges" helween British capitalista and Southern planters - of the labor of Lancashire,Yorkshire and Sta fiurdshire operatives, and of Carolinian, Georgian and Mississippian s'.aves, is yetling to-be looked into, and is thought"not tube the thing it was cracked up to be."' Dec. 13. - Rev Scptimius Tustaa ofVa# was chosen chaplain to the Senate and John N. Maffit, of Mississippi, was chosen for the House. So that the "institulion" will receive no detriment from tbe ministers of religión. An ottempt was made lo e.xclude from th8 House the many reporters for the public press, nnd commipsion fxur stenogra)hers to do the whole reporting. But this wns too aristocratie - it wou ld not go. Dec. 14. - Mr. Lowell, ofMaine, introduced a bilà to revvard the vulur of (he Mainé rnilitia in the Aris'.ooke war. ThM wantod a litUe short of a million oi' Uncle Satn'smoney. Of course it must be paid. Penplc cannot afford tobe patrioüc for nothing!PtÃlitiona reFpcting the removn! of the seat of government, and tne fesponsibih'ty ofihe rSoiih to support shivery, were referred to the judiciary coinmillep. Wise tried to hinder the reference of those relatiny to Hay!i, but Mr. Adams insisled ihat they said nothing about elavery. "They referto the Zac&repubiicof Hay.i; here's NO 9LAVEHY THEKe!' 8HÃd !l!?, wilh Olie of his sarcastic smiles, und a simgir.ijf emphasis. in one or two of the petiliona from Massachuselts, the resolves paseed by the Legislature of that State were embodied. But these carne wilhin the gsg ru!e, and could not be received. lWhatl" saitl he "the Legislature of Massachu?etts refused a hearing V These petitions came from every part of the Union, altnont. Dec. 27. - There waa a discussion in the House on the Tariff. In ihe SerÃate, Mr. Beatón introduced a bilà to postpone the operations of the Bunkrupt Bill from Fybruary to July, 1842. Dkc. 28. - The Bill introduced yesterday hy Mr. Bento, was laid upon the table for further actiin.