Effects Of The Corn Laws

-The bestbread is 60 per cent, dearer Ãn (ha Britisb than in the French metropolis. Flour is 66 per cent, dearer a London tlian in Paris. VVheat is 54 per cent, dearer Ãn London than in Paris. The best wheat ie 94 per cent, dearer io London than at Alirabeau. Flour was 78 per cent, dearer [nnthe l4lh ult.] in London than in New York. Tlie duty on forëign whcat imported into England, is now 24s. 8d. (he quarter Thia Ãs equal to a charge of 47 per cent, on the prime cost at Pari?, 56 per cent, on the prime cost at Leghorn, 58 prr cent, on the prime cost at Naples, and Ne'v York, 59 per cent, on the prime cüst at Mirabeau, and 69 pe' cent, on the prime cost at Malta.
Corn Laws
Old News
Signal of Liberty