British Demand Of The Chinese

The New York American saysthat accordiog to a private letter from Macao, datec the 22d Aug. and wliich is deemed in the city of very good authority, the following are the conditions which Sir Henry Pottinger, under his instructions from his government, is todemand from the Chinese as the basis of a trcaty of peace between tho two powers : 1. The opening of all the Chinese ports situated on the eastern coast to all Europcan nations without exception, who will be permitied to trade freely, subject to a moderate duiy on the entry and departure of their vessels. 2. The abolition of the monopoly hitherto enjoined by the Hong merchantg. 3. The appointment of an English ambassador to reside at the Court of Pekin. 4. Indemnity to the English merchante for the loss sustained by the destruction of opium and the abolition of the trade. Capt. T. W. Thompson, the well known master-spirit of the Texas Navy, has been etabbed at Tobasco, and killed. An officcr who was with Thompson,Jat the time, killed the assassin.