A Tub To The Whale

"Honest Jake" is no fooi of a taetician. If we have not mistaken the source of the Adverliser's Washington correepondence, he has already begun to elecüoneer most adroitly for abolition votes to assist in returning him to Congress next fa II. We out the following from a late number of the Advertiser. 'Correspondence of the Detroit Advertiser.' House of RepresentativesJ Washington, Dec. 8,1841 The petition queslion is disposed of for the present by the resolution of W. C. Johnson, adopting (he rules of the 26th Congress until the new Purliamentary Code, reported at the last session,can be acted upon. The celebrated "21st Rule," so fruilful of angry aliereatione, and expense to the country ;so direct a vi ihtionof theconsliiution; so boyishand paltry in its conception - so tyrannical and insulting in ils practice, wil), I think, be abolished. It is i disgrace to the country and to the age. - Wlmt man worthy to be u freeman is afraid to iniroduce to the coniüeratkuj of the leg islulure of a free and fearless people, pelitions relating to the subject of .Slateky ! - Away with such cowardice! Let the petitïons be received and reported upon. If Congress has no power over the subject, or any part of it, let the pelitioners be so nformed why it should or should not be exercised. Hut the denialof the right is an affront, and serves no other purpose than to irrÃtate and inflame the resontment ofalargeand respectable class ofourfel low cilizens, who justly regard such conduct as an infringement of their constitutional right?. In this connection I will add hot Mr. Adams, and Mr. Slade are both in their seats and in fine health." ïlovf important it was that Mr. Iloward should let the readers of the Advertiser know that Messrs. Adams and Slade, the abolition leadejs in Conres?,vvere in their seats and in fine hcaltlil The Signal of Liberiy should endeavor to engage the services of our vvhig Representalive, asan abolition correspondent from Washinston.