
The Journal of Commerce of Saturday contains Ibis consoling parnraph for the })oor abolitionisle: "Abolition. - The abolition vote in 12 ofthe 17Wards was 90 fur ArihurTappan and 97 for Horace Dresscr. The Assembly ticket averages about 85 in the same Wards. We remember the lime when the abolitionists polled over 200 votes in ttiis city. There appears to be considerable 'apathy' among them." More'-Apathy." - The ad vertising columns ofthe same paper, on Monday, had an adyertisement of which the following are tlie material factSjOnly a little ubridged: TO CAPITALISTS, MANUFACTURERS AND OTHERS. f OFFER for saté the half or the whole ofthe slock ofthe High Siïoal Manufacturing Company. Th s Company was incorporated by the Legislattire of Norlh Carolina, for the purpose of manlacturing Iron and Nails. The property is situated in Lincoln county, N. Carolina, and consista of between sixteen and sevetiteen thousand acres of land, twenty slaves - all men, and six wagons anc teams. I refer for my character to W. F. Hamiiton and Arthiir Bronson, of New York and Thomas Fleming and W. Bianding, of Philadelpeia. Any person wishing to purchase, 01 any further information, may address me at Lincolnton, N. Carolina. 11OB. H. BURTON. Well may abolitionists complain of "ap athy," when the Journal of Commerce opens its columns, in New York, to adver lise the sale of "TWENTY SLAVES."- It is a queslion of some moment to the country, and in which abolitionists are no more personally cencerned tba tbe res of -heir fellow citizen?, whether ihis "apa (by' can be overeóme, or whether slavery is to have its cotirse.