To The Subscribers Of The "signal Of Liberty."

{jdTt is well known to all the Bubscribers of the "Signal," that for nearly nine months, this paper has been rcgularly anc promptly issued. During that time, a debtofno inconsiderable aroount has been incurred in the mechanica! deparlment which must be met, and met immedi&tely Reader! the small pittance which will canee your subscription for the present year, wil aid us very much. And we do carneetly hope that this APPEAL for HELP!!! will mee with the same prompt -response, that has characterised this pnblication since its commencernent. Who will be; the first to respond? (EDeposit the amount of your subscription with your Postmaster, and he will remit it to us free of expense. (tThose who cannot make it convenient to fonvard the money to pay for their paper before llie first of February, can eend the amount by their delegates attending the State Convention, which meets at Marshal on JVednesday, the second day of February next,where we shall be happy to meet them All those indebted for the Michigan Frceman, (and there are many,) are earneetly requested to cancel their mdebtedness without furlher delay.