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Laws Of Slavery

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[COSCLUDGÖ.J In Norih Carolina, Any person may lawfully kill a slave who haa henn outlawed for running away, and lurking in swamps. For hunting with doge, even in he woods )f his tnaster a slave incursthirty lashes. In South Carolina, a s!ave endeayoring to Mitice another tn run away.if proviBions &c. hall be prepared toaid in such running away shiill be punished with DEATH, and a slave ho Bhall aid and abet o slave so endeavoríng to entics another to run away, 6hall al so suffer deatli. In South Carolina and Georgia, if a elave tiarbor, conceal and entertain another elave being a runaway (even if it bo his nearest relativei) he is subject to a corporal punishnent to any extent not affecting lifo or limb. [n Maryland 39 stripes ie Ihe penalty for Imrbonng ono hour. A slave, for baing on hor6eback, without written permission, incurs 25 lashes; for keeping a dog, the like puniehment; for killing a deer, 20 loshes. In Maryland, for rambling, ridmg, or going abroad in the night, or riding horsea in the day time with out leave, a slave may bo whipt, cropt or braiiáod on the cheek wiih the letter R, or otherwise punished, not extending to life or hmb, or 60 as to rendor him unfit for labor. In Virginia, for slealing hogs.for the third offence, the slave ehall suffer doath. In Virginia, slaves ar capitally punishod for 71 crimes, while fur nona of these are whites puniahed more severo than imprisonmeat in a penitentiary. i In South Corolina, any peraon, while or eolored, steaüng the valuu of one dollar and Beven cents, shall sufler deeth without benefit of clorgy. In Maryland, when any alaveehall be convicted of any petit treason, or murder, or wilful burning of dweiling houees, it may be lawful for the juatices beforo whom Buch convic'.ion shall be, (o give judgement against such elave, to have the right hand cut off, to he hanged in the usunl nmnner, the head nevered from the body, tha body divided into lour quarters, and the hcad and quarters set up in tho most public places of the county where such fact was committed. A trial by jury, in some of the slave States, isallowed in capital cases: hut is notallowcd in any caBt1, in South Carolina, Virginin, and Luisiana. Slaves mar be witnesses for or ngainst eaeh other, without any solemn oath or afñrmation. In South Carolina, n eingle justice may direct the cutting off of an car of n slave for taking away, or letting Joose, tbe second time, any boat or canoe from a landing or olher place, where the owner may have made the same HBt. In Louisiana, inferior crime3 alledged to have been committed by 6laves, may be tried by a justice and three freeholders, and the justice and one freeholder may convict, altiiough the other half of the court be in favor of scquittal. In South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Misöissippi, a valid emancipation af slaves can only be mnde by a special act of the LegUlature. A Blave owuer muet continue a slave owner, unless he can persuade the Legislature to let him set the captives freo. In Georgia, the attempt to set a elave free in any olher way,is prohibited under tho penalty of $[000, and tho 6laves attempted to' bo emancipáted, shall stil] be elavcs.i In Kentucky, Missouri, and Virginia, any slavo ownor may emancípale by giving bonds 'forthe maintenance of any elaves that may be unable to próvida for thetnaelvès. In nearly all the slave States cmancipation is prohibited, unless the person cinancipating has eufficient other property to' pay his düBts,