The Imprisoned Abolitionists
-Theappealof George ThompBon nnd the others in prÃ6on, to Ihe Supreme Court of Missouri hp.a been rejected, and thtis the sanction of the Judges has been given to the decisión of .he lower Court. They vvere hurried off to the Penitentiary, to expiate their iftiprudence, 113 eome think, but certainly not tlteir crime, by twelve yeara of hard labor, with out any hope of release. The Evangelical Church in Lancaster Mass. have excludcd slaveholders from their communion, and requested their pastor not to invite into the sacred desk, any minister who is known to be a alaveholder. The Liberty vote in Boston, at the State eleciion, was 223: at the recent election for Mayor, t was about the same: There were tour cnndidates in the field, and many circnmstanccs operated unfavorably for the Liberty party. "He thal oppresseth the poor reproacheth his maker. - Prov. 14; 31. But if he sell the poor for eilver, and offer that to 'aii .Maker. whatthen?