Trial Of Rev. W. Van Zandt

-TheRochester Evcning Post gives the resul; of ihe interesting trial of Rev. W. Vaa Zandt, Rector of Grace church, Rochaster, for ihe eeduction of Miss Sophia Murdock, a niember of his church and congregation. The tria! carne on at the present (erm of the Circuit Court in Rochester, Judge Dayton presiding, on Thursday of last week. The nature of the case.and the standing and profession of the defendent, created great excitement wilh reference to ihe issue of the trial. The teslimony closed on Saturday evenng, and on Monday raorning, the Hon. VI. H. Sibley commenced hia speech for ihe defense, which occupied nine liours, and is spoken of as a most able, shrewd and eloquent efibrt. Mr. Sampson folowed in behalf of tho plaintift', and uf!er a clear nnd sound charge ffom Judge Ãay- on, the jury relired abont 6 o'cloc?;. Afer an absence of some four hours, thev returned a seaied verdict oÃthree thousand and twznly-jivc dollars da ma ges for ihe pluintifF, Dr. Murdock, father o? iho youna