The Anniversary

The annual meeting, held at Marshal! last week, in point of numbers, interest, and talent, was equal to any t hal .as been beid in in the State. The ames of 120 delegates wero eurolled, representing eleven Counties. More delegates were preeent whose names were not euiercd. Tho meeting embraced alarge amount uf talent and re9pectability, as can be aeen ly tnerely coneulting the roll of membere, and ita influence on that part of the State will be most happy. On the first day and evenmg, all the seata in the Court House were filled wilh an altentive and highly interesled au dience. The question of political action was diecussed in all ita hearings, and the necessity of 6uch a couree compleiely demonstrated. Messrs. Stewart and Bemont spoke v i t h rcuch ability, and were fullovved ir. the evening by Dr. Portcr, Eider Tvviss Dr. Barnes, Rev. Mr. Wilder, Nathun Power, Mai-T Rexford, Mr. Dutton, Mr. Cleveland and others, and their remarks calleo forth repeated and enthusiastic applause. - We may publish some notes of the debato hereafter. It wil! be secn by the proceedwga that #1L9 was raised rowards extingtishing the debt of the society to Brother Treadwell, and #443 in pledges to scipport the cause the coming year. This speaks well for our future prospects. The cause of Liberty in this State Ãb now placed on a basis from which it cannot be removed, acd unless we greatly mistake the signs of the times, its progresa will amaze its enemies and far exceed the anlicipations of many of its friendo. QJThe Anniversary of the State Temperance Society was well attended. The Washingtonians held a meeting in the even ing at the Methodist church, and exhibited a perfect jam. The Advocate is to be removed to Detroit, and is to become a Wash ingtonian paper. To Correspondents. - We have severa) Communications on file. "A friend to our cause" vvill picase furnish his name. We are emitid to know who's who. "True sytnpathy" must excuse us for not publish ing his communication. We wish to devote a considerable portion of our columns to thejpolitical and financia! bearinga of slaveiy, ______________ O-Reader, are the times hard with you? If so read the article on the last page f ron) the Pittsburgh Gazette, and learn wliy the times are hard. Of-What bas become of the Reolution introduced into the Senate by Mr, Fuller, of this County. instructing our Congressional delegation to support the right of pelition, and oppose the XXIst Rule? After sundry amendments calculated to defeat it, it was laid on the tab'e two or three times, and we have not had a glimpse of it Bince, This we suppose is geiuiine democracy!