A Gag In The Senate

Our readers generally may not be aware that there is a gagj n uperation in the Senate, adopted into the standing Rules. It is quite as oppressive, and more ridiculuu? Uian the Rule of the House. It provtdes that on the presentation of petitions for the abolition ofslavery in the District of Columbia, and in Florida, the rnotion to receive is eonsidered as made, and that motion is laid on the table. By the operation of this rule, the pctition itselfis aciually recelveil and placed on the nies of the Senate, while the rnotion to receive it ia Jaid on the table! A rare instance of the acumen of our illustrious Statesmen, which would do honor to a country pettifogger! We wish our readers to reraember that peütion8 of the freemen of Michigan vvithin a few weeks have been thus contemptuously consigned to oblivion, without the least action upon thom, and our Senators have not remonstrated a wordagainst the mdignity What excuse can they reader? Will they teil their constituents ihat a debate on the subject would accomplish nothing - that the rule would still bo rigorously euforced? Suppose we admit, for a moment, the validily of the excuse, (but we do not admit it,) we are led (o enquire who they are who thua rules us with a rod of iron- and the answer comes back in one word - WHIGS! The very allies of Senators, who helped put in "Tyler too."- The Whigs have a majority in both Houses of Congresa, and if there is a gag in either House, they could have prevenled it. The responsibility can not be dodged. A large number of VVhig voted for every gag in either House that ha ever been proposed, and yet they are ac counted "the must favorable to Jiberty!" It is the duly of our Senators to speak out on the subject, at least once, ifno more and until they do this it will not be unjust to say that they esteem their party interests more than the rights of their constituents Is it not sol 0"It is said that Henry Clay has deter miiied to resign his seat in tho United States Senate, duriug tho present scssion,