For The Signal Of Liberty

Jackson, Jan. 28, 1842. Messrb Editors: - '{'he Washingtonians, in the rnidst of iheir brilliant career, havo visited this thriving town and are doing wonders. The addresses of Messrs. Merideth and Wilson, last evening, were of thrilling interest, and will unquestional)ly accomplish much good. Words wou ld fail to express the gralilude, which many of the rescued will yet render them for ihis early assistance. The kindness of manncr, the power of language, the argumentativo style, and the flow ofeloquence, which they evinced called forth the thuncÃering applause from a crowded house During a short stay here, these men have achieved prodigies. Rising of one hun drcd and fifty have signed the pledge, and the number is still augmenting. Mr, How ard, of Detroit, spoke with searching