Classified Ads

TAKEN UP MY tho subscribir, on or about the fiftc.entli o'ay of September last u email RED COW, eonie white on the back, belly and tai]; no artificial raarks visible .Buppoeed to be twclvo or fourteen yeara oid. The onner can have the same by proviug prop erty md payir.g charges. ELISHA D. PARKER. Salem, Jan. 25, lb-U 42-8w. MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL LIBRARIES Published under the direclion of the Board of Educalion. Fop. sai.e i:y J., of Ann Arbor. THIS LIBRA II Y is recoromended by the Superiatendant of Public Instructioa Jun.25,1842. "ECONOUY IS WEALTH." THE subseribers will puy two cents per puund in Gooda or Papor tbr any quaulity of good clean SWÃNGLE TOW, delivered at the Aon Arbor Paper Mili. J. JONES cf-SONS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. MOlfrGAGE SALE. "ftkEFAULT having been made in the B W conditiun of a Mortgage executed by liufus Cro8$tiian and Lucy his wif'e, to tho under6Ãgned, Jnnuary fiiteeuth, eighteen hundred and thirty cigLt, and recortled ia the Rtgister's Office, in the couuty pï Wash teuaw, in Liber number sevcn, page three hundred and onef of the equal uodivided half of the "Scio mili property," mchiding tho v ater-povver, Müls, and Machinerjf, and about twenty-ñve acres of Land, aüjoining the viliage of Scio, in 6aid county, and lying on büthöide6 of the River Huron, togelher with the rights of flowing Iad9 covered by [ the mili pond, (for a moro particular description of the premises, reference ia made to " tho record of inortgage,) andno proceedinga ' at law luiving been ïnstuuleJ to collect the i..otiilrncut wh'tch beca me due on the eix1 leetith day of November, in the yeur of our I Lord, eighteen hundred acd forty-one, or : any part thereof. Nolice is htreby given, that said niort. gage will be forecloáed by a eale of tho mortgaged premises (or some part of them) at public vendue at the Court House ia Ana Arbor, in said county, on the the twenty: fifthday of April next, at noon. i SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgagee. Scio, January 24, 1842. 4M3w : â THRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &.c. THE undersigned are manufacturingand will keep constantly on hand at their shop twoanda half miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POVVERS andTHRE3HhG MACHINES- The horee power ia a new invenlion by S. W. Fosteu, and is d:cidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before oflered to the Public. The pnce of a Fcxir Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine is 14:0 dollars, at the ehop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, Ihreu or four horses to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can thresh one hundred burÃlela ofwheat per day (if ityieJds middling welJj) end it wBl not be hard worlf for the horse?. The Horse Power and Thrcsher can both ba put in a coinmon W3ggou box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Tico Horse Power will be sold af. the shop, with the Thresher for ono liuntired dollars; without the Thresher, for scvenly-five dollars. They also mauufucture STRAW CUTTERS, recenlly invented by S. VV. Fostku, wnich are decideoly preferably to a:iy tbr cutting straw or corn stalks, by or water power. They aleo work by naad.- . Pnce, fifteen dollars. - ALPO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provender, at the rato of six to eight busheJá per hour, with two horses or by water. - A I.8O - OTSiVIUT MACHINES of superior coostruction. Invented by S. VV. Foster. Price, sixty dollars. S. VV. FOSTER, & Co. Scio, Jui;e 23, 1841. 10-ly P0RK AND WL'EAT wanted by F. De.mso, for which goods or monev will bopaid at fair rntes. Ann Arhor, Dec 21, lS!l. 2G-tf ÃIMOTHY SEED AND HIDES - Cash wil! be paid at all times for TiMothy Seed. Hidks tjiid VViikat, when delivered at tav store in Ann Arbur. (Upper Tovvn.) p. DENISON. Dec. 29, 1341. .Hü-Jf CASH FOR WÃÃeXt! FDENISON wül pay cash for Wbca{ O oa delivery ut r. s sinre. AiNTI-SLAVERYALMANACS FOR 1842 - just received and tbr sale at thl office. Price 6ceiits single ;75 ets. pej doZen. June 28, 184 O-tf I WHICH SELLS IN TUIS COUNTRY FOK. $18 TO S25 PER COPÃ. Every man, ivoman and child in the Uni. ted States, who possess a Bible, toill surely furnish themselves with ihe Jollowing heautiful series of Scripture Illuslrations. PICTORtAL ILLUSTUA.T1OJSS OF THB J3IBLIÃ, ASD VIEW OF THB HOLY LAND. Ju, cheap and valuable publication. - i Four hundà ed pages, 8 vo.fineyaperjiand-soincly bound. Price only TWO DOL-' LARS. The 6ubscriber respectfully in-j vites tlie attention of Clergymt-n, Teachers, of Sabhnth Schools, lleads of Families, and j Booksellers ihronghout Ihe Uuited otates, lo! the abo vc New, Cheap and splendidly lllus-, Iruied work. l'ublished and for sale at No.; 122, Nassau street, New Vork city. lts, features are better defintd by lbo tille:- Tico hundred Pictorial Illuslrations of the . 6CRIPTURE, CONSISTING OP VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Togetber with many of the moet remarkuble objects metioned in the old and new testa-J metite, reprcsentiiig sacred historica! events, copied from celebrated pictures, principally! by the old tnasters. the landscape scènes, ; taken from original sketches tnade ontlie' spot, with full and interesting letterpress detcriptioüs, devoted to an examination of', the objects meutioned in the sacred text. On examination this will be found a very' pleasant and profitable book, especially for; the perusal of Yoijsg Peoplk, abounding in i the most vaJuable informalion, collecled withi great care, from the best anti latest sources. ' lt may , very pruperly, be designated a corn- tnon place book for every thing valuable relating lo oriental manners, customs. &.c.and; comprises within itself a complete library ofj roligious and useful knowledge. A volume iike the present, is far superior to the common Annuals - it will never be out of date. â It is beautifully printed in new long primer type- handsomely bound in Muslin, gilt and! lettered; and ie decidedly,the beat aud chea pest publication (for the price,) ever issued from the American Prt-ss. Clergymen, Superintendants and i ers of aabbath schools, agenls ofrehgious! nevvspapers and periodicals,postinasteis and) bookseüers, throughout the country, are i spectlully requested to act a8 our agents. No letter will be taken from the office ' unless poet paid. To Publishers of Papers throughout the United States. - Newspapers or Magazines,' copying the above entire without any alter-' aticn or abridgeuvnt (inciuding this notice,) ; and giving it l'Z inside inst-rüons, ehall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order.) by sending direcliund to the Pub-; lisher. 29 12 w (XjThe abnve work may be had at the Book store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one doori west of the Lafdyette House, Ann Arhor. A liberal discount made to wholesale purt- 1:1 -.-iij â -â _ ' Persons in the country, wfshipg to act a6 agenls, may obtain all the necoásary 11: formatioñ, by addressing their letters to the subicriber, Ão. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Pubüsher. Devoted to tje intere3ts of protestant Christianity, Literature, Science, Education, the Arts, Agriculture, the moral enterprises of tbs age, and to the difÃusion of general intelligence. "Knowledge is as the light óf heaven: free, pure, pleacant, exhauetleea. 'Itj invites all to possession; it admits of nopre-j emption, no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For six years, this paper bas been gaining: in the confidenco of the public. Itscharao'; ter as an independent, liieraryand rcligious; journal, is now fully established,as is evident j froro its circulation p.mong al! classes cf the co:nmunify. Thoeo who detiro A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free fïom those features of sectarianism, which are eo ofiènsive to the spirit of tianity - a paper which admits suitable ar ticles on all subjectsupon which thecommunity Deed Ãn be infonned - a paper open, especially to the claims of euffering humanityj may be assured that no efforts willbe epared to render this acceptable and worthy oftheirj patronage. It ha6 a large number ofable and intelligent correspondents, vvho6e com-i municHtions will enrich its columns from1 time to time, on natural and revealed theol-1 ogy, revivals, mieöions, human rights, teiijperance, education, sabbath and common schools, moral reform, health, agriculture,: geology, physiology, natural and mental j phiiosophy, music, reviews oÃ' books, &Ãc. - ! In a word, it ocenpies a field of usefulness, ! not appropriated by any other periodical in! this orany other country. The seventh Volume cotnmenced January -i, 1842. Tho prico is oiiïy t;vo doüurd a year, in advance; and this is sufficiently low to put it witlnn the reach of all. Reader, you have a personal interest in the New York Watchman! For, he who! has a haart to frnow his vvhole duty, whoae soul tblrsts for Information oji all thos -eubjects most directly connected wiih mak'h highest happiness, wül iind assistance in the columns of this paper. Tlie Watchman is pubhshed every Saturday, at lL6, Fulton streef, New York, where subscriptions are respectfully solicited. BJar.ks ! Elanks ! Bïjiiiks ! ! ! "ffUSï PRINTED, on fine paper and dP in a superior style, a large assort ment of blank sumroons, subpoenas, Executions, &.c. - For sale nt this office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fevs â â cord6 of good hickory wood in exchange for the "Signal op Liberty." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1841. "NO 11EPUDIATION." TATE SCRIP will he (aken at par for jsy Gouds at tlie storo of the eubscribere for a fevv daya. J. JONES, &- SOJYS, An" Avbor, Jan 12, 1841 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1842. The ruost splendid and valuable Monthly Periodical ever published. Tlic only magazine dcvoted 10 Ladie6 and conducted by tnenibers of their ovvn sex. Composed ens tirely of original anieles, by the most eminent writera of tho age; and embellished with a larger number and a greater variety of costly, elegant and attractive pictoriul illuatratione, ihan any similar pubheatiun. EDITED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Micbael, Mrs. L, H, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTB.IBUTORS TO EACn KUMBER. Miss. C.M. Sedgwick, N. P . Willis, Mies E. Leslie, Mrs. C. Lee Henez, Mrs. E. O. Embury, T. S. Arthur, Theodure S. Fay, Mre. E. F. Ellet. in announcing to his numerou9 patrons and the public at large, his arrangemeins for the year 1842, tht: proprietor of Godey's Lidy's Book, takes occasion to ackuowledge the unparallelec1 and triumphantbuccess of his Magazine, wbich has uow reached tho extraordinary numher of forljj thousand montldy; buinga larger edition than has ever been pnnted of any olher work of any description in America. This succes he is awore has been att.iined by the vast superiority which the Ludy's Book has always maintained over theconleraporary magazines which Iiave attempted to rival its rnerits, a superiority which he is still determined to preserve by keeping it, in all its departments literary, inlellectual and moral, a wel) as pictorial, emblematic, artistic, and mechanical. That thia is no ïdle boaet, hc appcals to the experience of the past twelve years, in all which time, he has made no promise to the public which he has nol strictlyperformed, nor undertaken anytliing which his mcans did not enable him to accomplish to the utmost. Entering, as he is about to do, on the 24th Vohinie of the Lady's Book, wüh increased energy and accumulated resources ;with an ampie knowledge of the bu siness in which he is eng.iged, arquired by long years of unrtrriittcd application: with a subscription list unparalleled in the annals of literal ure; with numerous fucilitiea not possessed by any ether publisher: with welldigested and wide-extended argumenté; and above all, with a steadfast purpose of maintaining the lofty elevation his work has reached, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur expenses, which under other circum 8tances might prove slartl'mg, but by means of which ho will be enabled to make the Lady's Book, the richest, the rareat, the most attractive, and ihe most valuable periodical, intrinsical and extrinsically, ever offered to the American public. Literary Departmemt. - It has ever been the tiiin of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Book a high literary and mera) lone, and for ihia purpose he has=, without regard to cost, procured the aid ot' the most eminent writers and, for eeveral years past, has committed its editorial supervisión to Mrs. J. Hale, Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourro',and Miss E. Leaüe, ladiês of whom nol only their owö sex, but the whole country, have reason to be nroud. In thid respect, the Lady's 13ook enjoye a decideu advantage üvcr all ether pöbhcaliohs, s t is the only work devotfd to ladies, ladina derive an ad vantüge whieh must be obvióos to every parent, husband, brother, and well as to every lady who properly appreciates the dignity and irnportance of lier sex. He will be enabied to furnish articles Trom Mrs F C Embury, Mrs H B Stowe, Mrs F S Ctegood, Mtb. S. SrnUh, Mrs M H Piiiüo;)3, Mrs. J. 'JMiayer, Airs A M F Annan, Mrs. L. Hentz, Mtb E F Ellet, Mrs. E. C. Sedman Jïirs. Dupuy. Mrs. M. Duncan, Mrs V E Howard, Mrs M St Loud, Miss E, Allen Mrs CHW Esling Mrs S E Parley, Miss M, B. Snow, Mies E. Luslie, Kate Franklin. Maria Edgworth, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Jüary R. Milford, Mrs Hofland, Mrs C BWilson, Mary Howitt, and other Euglish lady-writers of distinction, some of whom have already published in the Lady's Book tho only origmal contributions they have ever made to American Ãterature. Nor has he omitted to pro cure the assistance of eminent writers of both sex. A ware of the universal and well deserved popularily of N. Willis, Esq. ; and confident that the productions of his graceful and elegant pen wil] be highly acceptable 10 the rcuders of the Lady's Book, the proprietor has entered into an arrangement, by which he will be olik to give in each number of his work an exclusive article from the gentleman; and iie has also retainall of tbe contributora whose writings havt' heretofore given such arople satisfaction in cluding Epe3 Sargent, W. G. Simms, Esq. Geo. P. Morris, Professor Ingraham, Jos. R. Chandler, Professor Dimitry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earle, M. D. Professor Waher, N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, R. S. Mackonzie, A. M'Makin, T. Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, H. W. Herbf.rr, Rufus Dawes, Jos. C. Neal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. tMiichell, Jas. Aldrich. With such aid, it is not töo much to 6ay, that the Literary Department of the Lady's Book will surpass any thing that has ever been orean be .ittempted. Ornabien-ial Department. - Itis a source of no little pride to the Proprietor of the Lady's Book, that he first introduced into this country the plan of furnishing, along wilh a monthly periodical of elegant literature, embellishments of an attractive and costly chracler. The first eteel engravings accompanying such a work were given by him; the first mezzotint engraving was given by him; the first patterns of lace-vvork and emhroidery were given by him; the firslcolored platea of fashion were given by hira; the first music was given by him. These are things to which he would not refer, ifsome of those who havo össayed to folio w in his footsteps, not content with imitating all his designs, even to the form of his book, the 8ze of his lype, and the color of his cover, had not fooüshly put forward claims to orig inality, and ottempteö to found aright to an exclusive merit on doing that which they have borrowed frota his example. But whathe lias done heretofore in the way of ombel lishraenis to liis Book, though itfurexceed ed any eÃfort of thoee who strove to cod bis ñiovements, ccnnot compare with wh&t he now means tu do . liis arruogemenis fot this department of his work have been pro jected on the most liberal scale of expendÃ" ture, nvolviny an extern of ouüay v6uch a has never beiore been dreamed of in any nel riodical, European or American. As an vi deuc-ü of his iiucitions, he now statea that cach uutubur of the Lady's Book for the eusu year, will contuin at least three splendid ongravmgs; embracing in the senes eveiv possille variety of subjects. Histoiial,Land' scape, Picturesque, Poitraiture, imafMuaUva"' and Etnbleinatical, and executed in evry pos sible variety of the art; inezzotint, line and" mezzotint, slipple, medalion, and that most chaete and expreesive marnier, the lino nn dot cornbined, which has given such World widecelebrity to the worka oï modem artists Spler.didl colorcd platas uf the fasliions' willalso bcgiven every inontii, contamina at least Ãour femalc figures, and eaibodyinl in every uituinee the luiest costunies, receiv ed directly fiom a correspondent at Paria In order to give the greatest nttracli venes, to the subjeets of hia embelljalimeius thQ Proprietor hae given orders to various Ame rican Putnters, of eötablished reputation,whá are now engaged in preparing éxpressly A)r the Lady's Book,tHimerous oiiainal piciures on National and Ãüstorieul evonu, muñe oC wiiich ai e ne irly complcted, and soon will he in the hands of the engraver, Among th painters thus engaged ho may enumérate J G Chapmon, Painter of the National PÃo. ture of the Baptism of Pocahontas. P F Rothern.el, J P Fiankeastein, S S Osgood, of Bost.l Williams, kc% Ãn order to procuro these varicus embek lishments in season, tlie proprietor has made permanent arrangements with the followiug eminent engravere, all of whom are nowengaged in executing steel platea for tb. Lady's Book. Neto York. Philadelplda. A L Dick, V E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagle, VV H Jackman, J B Forrest ' J G Dunnel, VV H Ellis A Joues, E Hiimphrey3, Tuansmission et mail. - One advoutage the eubscribers of this work will have, wilt be itsearly reception. lt will be received at the remoteai cities of the Union, by the firsl day of the month of publication. Clubbing.- Lydy's Book, 1 year, aod People's Library, 1 year, 85,00 Lady'a Book and Young People's Book, 5,00 Do Araateur'd Musical Library, (conlaining 200 pages of nevv and beauüf ui music.) 5tOo Do Scolt'8 Novcls and People's Library, 1 year. io,0O Do Scott's misceüaneous 'vork and People's Library, 1 yenr. 10,00 Do All Scot'is Works, complete in 10 volö. and People's Lilnary, 15,00 Do Thier'e History of Ãhü Fr. Revolution. io,OO Do Pictorial Library, 1 year, end People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Voung Pecpla'sBool(,l0,00 Lord Bacon'-, worka; Thiers History of the FVench Kfevolutiot;, ap.d VVavc;-ley's Novéis, in övols. 20,00 Do Thierc iteviiluticn and Scotts Works, complete in 10 vols. 25,00 Business Dbpartme.nt. - The price of this publication is ihree dollars per a'nnura- two copies, one year, in iiávance.fivedollart. Those of our friends wanting to Bubscnbe to the best Two Dollar Weekly Family Newspaper, published in this city, can be accommodated as follows: Two copies of the Saturday Courier, on year, and Godey's Lady's Book, oneyesr. sent for 5,60 Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.10,00 Five copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 yr. and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Eleven copies of the Lady's Dook 1 yr 20,00 Thirteen copies oÃ' the Lady's Book, 1 yr. and Waker Scott's NoveJs, completo, or hii miscellaneous works, whichever rasy be preferred. 30,00 In all cases where money 3 remiltedfor "Clubbing," the most iberal allowances will be made. The money, in all cases, to b& positively received before a number is sent. No letters '.vill be taken from the Post Offic unless the postage on them is paid. Unless positive orders ore given at the time of subscribing. the work will be continued afttr the first year, and ïf not paid during the year, the price will be increased lo 4dol!nrs Address L. A. GODEY, 101 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Prodïice of evcry Description, mECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertising and Subscriptions tothe " iGjfAL op Liberty," if delh'L'ied at tha Office, immediately over the store of J. Bcckley, & Co ipril 28 ÃDLANKS of every desciiptio neatlj -â - executed at this office.
Stray Cow
Paper Mill
J. Jones & Sons
Mortgage Sale
Threshing Machines
S. W. Foster & Co
Anti-Slavery Almanacs
London Pictorial Bible
The New York Watchman Publication
Godey's Lady's Book
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Elisha B. Parker
Rufus Crosman
Lucy Crosman
Samuel W. Foster
F. Denison
Robert Sears
Sarah J. Hale
Mrs. L. H. Sigourney
Morton McMichael
L. A. Godley
Miss C. M. Sedgwick
E. Leslie
Mrs. E. C. Embury
Theodore S. Fay
N. P. Willis
C. Lee Henez
T. S. Arthur
Mrs. E. F. Ellet
Mrs. F. S. Osgood
Mrs. M. H. Parsons
Mrs. A. M. F. Annan
Mrs. Dupuy
Mrs. V. E. Howard
E. Allen
Mrs. S. E. Parley
Mrs. H. B. Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mrs. S. Smith
Mrs. J. Thayer
Mrs. C. L. Hentz
Mrs. E. C. Sedman
Mrs. M. Duncan
Mrs. M. St. Loud
Mrs. C. H. W. Esling
M. B. Snow
Kate Franklin
Maria Edgworth
Mary R. Milford
Mrs. C. B. Wilson
Mrs. S. C. Hall
Mrs. Hofland
Mary Howitt
W. G. Simms
Park Benjamin
R. S. Mackenzie
H. W. Herbert
Joseph C. Neal
R. T. Conrad
J. K. Mitchell
Epes Sargent
George P. Morris
Joseph R. Chandler
Robert Morris
Finy Earle
N. C. Brooks
E. Halden
A. McMakin
L. F. Tasistro
Rufus Dawes
E. G. Squier
J. McLellan Jr.
James Aldrich
William E. Tucker
A. L. Dick
N. Gimberede
W. H. Jackman
J. G. Dunnel
A. Jones
J. B. Neagle
J. B. Forrest
W. H. Ellis
E. Humphreys
L. A. Godey