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Local Corresponding Committees

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At the onnuaj meeting of the Society, ve füüowing were appointed locul com nittees in t-nch connty; and it is tunde leir duty to correspond wilh the Execu ve and Stute CorresponJing committees, o aid ir, extending the circulatioo of the ignal of Liberty, and nnti slavery docu neiHs in thcir district, to procure leclures rdiscussions, and carry inlo effect ihoc pe ations o!' the Ex. Cornmittco. The names ere accidcntally omitted in our last: - Monroe coimty.- Ciurk Olrnstead, lorehouse. Wuyneco. - VVpi. A. Peiers, VVm. Bar um. Washtenaw co. - Tbeodore Foster, J. 5. Barnes. Hilhdale co.-R. R. Ucment, Ilenry Vromnn. Calhoun Co. - Chas. Bardwell, Jnbez S. Fiteb. Cass. Co. - Luiher Hutnphrey, Clark Olfnstead. St. Joseph Co.-- Isaac Anthony, Ches er Gurnej'. Jacksoi Co.-R. B. Rexfurd, S. C. Treadwell. Branch Co. - Juhn N. Siickuey, J. S. Twist. Oakland Co. - Nathan Power, Georgc Eübheus; Ettlon Co. - Lawrencc Campbell, Nel Qn Tljomas. Lenawee Co. - E'ijah Sumell, J. Carpen er. Ionia co. - A. Reynolds, Little ohn. Kulamazoo - John P. Mursh, R. P. Stevens. Clinton Co - Selh Marvin, John Gonld. Van Buren Co. - John R. Haine?, Hor ace Stimson. Berrien Co. - Samuel Keys. The LegisÍ8ti:re have enacted a law exenriptiiig froin Execution all the personal property any one eed io have - g400 in furniture and bouks - -tools farming utensils - a team &c. &c. Mr. Norville is the fa ther of ihe law, and unlQ93 we much mis judge, he will find it an unpopular move. It will prelty eifjctually stop the collection of debls by law. (JTLe reeoiution of censure on Mr. Ac ams is &till pending, and iins occasioned excitirg debates. The blaveholdera are determined to censare him severely- if they can. OThe great AntUSlavery Convention at Peterboro ndopted the following refiolution by acclamaüon: "Resolved, That we eolemnly and deliberatelyi proclaim to the ' nation, that no power on earth shall compel us to take up arms against the slavfs, should they use vi olence ïu assertiug their right to treedom.' OCThe Advertiser says the Locos lias ie8olved on the general ticket system for elec ting Menibers of Congress. Thó Dietric 8yBtem is preferable, and more Democratie