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-The Legislalure of this Statehavo enacted a law to prevent the amalgama tion of blacks and whites. It prohibits the marriage of whites with persons who have onc eighth of negro blood. It annexes severe penallies to the clerk who shal I give licence, and to the person who shal] solemnise the marriage of any within the nterdictcd color. Thia we should think was fatber small business for a legislative body. The House of Representitives have laid on tho table, Ayes 06 - Noes 34, a report of a committee recommending the granting of a jury trial topersons claimed as fugitive slaves. One mcmber opposed it because he was afraid it would tend to hnsten ''tha ntroduction of Mr. Cujfee into tho Legislative Hall, as having a right lo address Mister Speakah!" This honorable gentleman by being afraid of the competilion of Mr. Cuffee n his legislative career, showed bow high nn estimition he set upon himsclf. QWhen Dr.Bnsbine was a elaveholder, he Bold a number of his slaves to his broiher in-law, which lie has since endeavored to re-pnrehase, and hus íiually cucceotied atan expense of 17,000 dollars. They are L5 in nuoiber, including three children born eince hesoldthein. They are now ernancipated, and will lo.-ivc South Carolina in about a year. If this transaction does not Bhow sincerity, how can it be manifested? O'Resolutions of the Legidlature of Alabama, in favor of the annexation of Tex as to the Union, have been presented to the Senate at Washington, and ordered to be prmted. The oíd project is not dead yet. iCThe New Orlcans Beo says thal the Creóle negroes were welcomed ot Kingston, Jamaica, as héroes, and sent into ihe interior for better security.