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"BQ&LANKS of evory description neatly - executed at this oftice. ANN ARBOR HOOK-STORE. ONE door weet of the Lafayette House, to be flold on commisaion, at Detroit caí ii prices, in addiiion to the Claesical and school Buoks, advertised by others in this vilJage, copies ofclassical uad echool booka which cannot be found elsewhere in the villagp, together with a good assortment of interesting Books, and fliationary, Sic. Any bool; wanted which I have not en hand if to be found in the city of Detroit, will on short notice, be procured without extra charges. 'CHARLES MOSELEY Ann Arbor, Feb. 16 1842 43-3 TAKEN UP JKwY tho eubscriber, on or abo:it tho fifJaJ5 Leenth day of September last & email RED COVV, sorne white on the back, belly and tail; no artificial niarks viaible,supposed lo be twelve or fourteeo years old. Th ovvuer can have the Bame by proving prop. erly and payicg charges. ELISHA B. PARKER. Saleio, Jan. L5, 1842 42 8w. MASSACHUSETTS SCFIOUL LIURA.RIE3, Published under the direction of ihe Board of Hducalion. Foa bale by J. Lamo, of Au Arboíi. THIS LIBRARY is recommended bj the Suuerinlendanl of Public Instruction Jan. 55, 1842. ECONO.Y1Y IS WE AL-TH." pHBHEsubscriberB will pay two cönta per n puund in Goode or Paper for auy quautity of &ood clean SWINGLE TOVV, delivered at the Aon Arbor Paper Mili. J. JONES J-SOiNS. Anti Arbor, Jan. 12, 1843. S8tf iMORTÜAGE SALE. jEFAULT huving been made in thO JS&W condition of a Mortgage executed by Kuius Crossiuan and Lucy lus wife, to the undersigned, January ntteeijth, eighteen liundred aud thirty eight, aud recorded in tho Rtgister'a Ofiice, in the county of Wash tenaw, in Liber number seveD, page three hundred and one, of the equal uudivided half of the "Scio mili property," incJuding the v ater-power, Mills, and Machinery, and about tweuty-ñve aerea of Land, adjoining village of Scio, iu eaid couüty, and lying on both sides of the River Mui un, together with the rigiits of fiowing land.3 covered by the mili pond, (for a more particular description of the promises, relerence is mado lo the record of raortgage,) and no proceedings at law having been maüiuted to collect tie inetalment v.hich becarue due on. the eixteenth day of November, in the year of our Lcrdj oghteen hundred and forty-one, ar auy part thereof. Notice is hereby given, that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises (or some part of them) at public vendue at the Court House in Ann Arbor, in eaid county, on the the twentyrifih day of April next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Morlgagee. Scio, Jantiary 24, 142. 40-18w THRESHKNG MACHINES, HOUSE POWER, MILLS, &c. THE undereigued are manufacturingand will keep constanlly on haud at their shop iwoanda hali miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail lioad, HORSE POWERS and THUESHING MACHINES.- The horee power is a new inventiou by S. W. Foster, and is ducidedly superior to any thing of tiie kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Fuur Horsa Putcer, with a good Threshir.g Machine is 10 dolhtrs, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horee Powers can be nsed with two three or fouc horeca to good idvantage. Three men wit two horses, con thresh one hundred btishels of wheat per day (if ityieids tniddling well,) and it will not be hard work for the horsei The Horse Poiocr end Thresher can both be put in a comuion wnggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be eoid at the shop, with the Thresher for one huudred dollars; without the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CÜTTERS, recenily invented by 6. W. Foster, which are decidedly preibrablo to any others for tutting eiraw or corn stalks, by horse or water power. They also work by hand.- Price, h'fteen dollars. - ALPO- CAST-IRON MILLS lor grinding prorender, at the rate of six to eight busliels pe hour, with two horees or by water. - Also - {EpSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by tí. W. FosTca.- Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, fc Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. 10-ly 3ORK AiND WHEAT waaled by F. -■ Denison, for which geoda or moner will bepaid at fair rales. Aun Arbor, Dec 21, 1841. 26-tf iJPlmothï" seed and hides.- Cash will be paicl at all times for TiMothy Seed, Hides tind Wheat, when deivered at my store in Ann Arbor, (Upp8r rpwtt.) f. DENISO-N. Dcc.29, 1841. ._ se tf CASH FOK VI1EAT 5 DENISON wi'l pay cash for Whcul . 9 on delivery nt his store. ANTI-SLAVERY ALMAN AUS FO 1842 - 'in6t reccivpd and for ale nt thii uffice. Price Gceata singlt';5Qcts peí dozen. Juue2S, 184 WflICH SELLS IN TÜI3 COUNTRY FOIl $18 ÏO L25 rER COPY. Every man woman and child in the United States, tcho possess a Bible, will surely furnish themselves with the Jollowing beautiful series of Scripture Illustrations. FICTORIAI. ILMJSTRA.TIO1NS OF THR BIBLE, AND VIEW OV THR IIOLY LAND. JYew, cheap and valuable publicatinn. - Four hundred pages, 8 vo. fine paperjiandsomely bound. l'rice only TJVO DOL LARS. The suhscriber respectfully invites the atlention of Clergymen, Teachers of SaUbolh Schools, Heads of Families, nnd Booksellers thronghout he United tatesjto theuboveNew, Choap and epienditlly lllustrate'd work. Pyblíshéd ad for sale at No. 122, .a3sat1 etrect, Nev Vrork city. lts fealures are better defim-d by the title: - Tico hundred Pictoriul Illuslrations of the ecnirTUREs, consisting of VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Together with many of the most romarkable objects meñtioned in the old and new testament.0, representin sacred historicol events, copiod from celel)rated pictures, principally by the old rnasters. the landscape scones, taken from original sketches made on the spot, with full aud iiiteresting letterpress descriptions, devoted to an examination óf tlie objeefs mentioned in the sacred text. Ou examination this will be found a ve ry pleasant and profitable book, especial'y for the perusal of YoO'G People, sboundingin the mnst valuable information, collected with great care, from the best aoc! latost scurceí1. It may , very prcperly, be tles"nated a common place byok fot every thing valuable rehting to oriental manners, cusioms. Sic. and comprises within U6elf a complete library of reügions and useful knowledgo. A tolume like the present, is far superior to the conv mon ATinuals- it will never bo out of date. It is beautifully printnd in new long primer type - hand8omely bound in Musliu, gilt and lettered; and is d'cidedly,tlie best and clieapest publication (for the piice,) evtr issued from tliB American Prees. Clergymfn, Superintendants and Teachers of sabbath schools, agente of rehgions new6papers and penodicals,po8tmas!ers and booksellers, throughout ihe country, are respectfully requested to act as our ogents. No letter will be taken from the oflice unlees post paid. To Publishers of Papers ihrovghout the United States. - Newspapers or Magazines, ropying the nbove entire without any alteration or abri!gpm nt (including thia r.otice,) and giving it V iuiue iusenions, shall rrceive a copy of the work, (sulject to their order,) by eending directions to the Pubiisher. L9 12w líThe above work may be liad at the Book stom of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west of the Lafayette Huuse, Ajin Arbor. A libtTuJ discount made lo.wholeaalft purchners. Persons in the country, wishing tó act as agents, may ohtain all the necessary ms formatiön, by nddrossing their letters to the subscriber, Ño. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. R0BE11T SEARS, Publisher. Devoted to t.'ie nteresfs of protestant Christinni'y, Literature, Science, Education. the Arts, Agricullure, the mocal enterprises of the age, and to the diffusion of gt-neral intelligence. "Knowledge is as the light of heaven: free, pure, pleasant, cxhaustless. It invites all to possesion; it admita of no preemption, no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For six years, this paper has been gaining in the coufidence of the public. lts character as an independent, liternryand religious journal, is n;w fulJy established,as is evident from ils circulation smong all classes of the community. Thoee who desiro A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free from those features of sectarianism, which are so offensive to the spirit of Chriatinnity - a paper which admits suitable articles on all subjects upon which the cornraunity need to be informed - a papar open, especially to the claims of suflfering homanity, may be assured that no efforts will be sparcd to rendf r this acceptablo and wortliy oflhoir patronage. It has a large number ofable and intelligent correspondente, whose Communications will enrich its columns from time to time, on natural and revealed theology, revivals, miesions, human rights, teinperance, education, subbath and common schools, morHl reform, health, ogriculture, geology, phy6Ío!ogy, natural and mental phüosophy, music, reviews of books, Sec. - In a word, it ocenpies a field of usefulneas, not oppropriated hy any otber periodical in this or any other country. T!ic fcvcti!j Volume commenced Jar.aary 1, 1842. Tho price is only two dollars a year, in advance; and this is sufficiently low to put it within ihe reach of all. Header, you have a personal interest in the New York Watchman! For, he who has a heart to know his hole duty, whose soul tbirsts for Information on all those subjects most directly connected wilh mak's higiiest happineBS, willfind assistance in the column of this paper. The W atchman is publislied every Saturdny. at 126, Fulton efreet, New York, where subscripiions are reepectfully solicited. JJIanks ! Jlï:an!ts ! ! ïilunks ! ! ! O"UST PRINTED, on fine paper and Qjr in a superior style, a large assurtj ment of blank sumraons, subprenas, Exeuuüuns, &cCt - For sale at. this office. Arm Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Woodí Wootí! WANTED IMMEDTATELY, a few cords of {rood hickory wootl in exchange for the "Signal of JLibbrty." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22,1841. "NO KEPÜDIATION-" TTK SCRIP will bo (aken at par for L Goods at the store of the subscribers for a Aw kys. J. JONES, &, SOJVS. Ann Aibor, Jan 12, 1841 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, F1342. The most splendid and valuablewonthly! Periodical ever publishcd. The only magazine devoted to Ladies and conducted by, membera of their own sex. Composed erw tirely of original articles, by the most crai-, nent writera of the age; and embellishcd witli a larger number and a greater variety of costly, elegant and atlraclivo pictorinl illustrations, Ihan nny similar publication. EDITED BY Airs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Michael, Mrs. L, H, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTORS ro EACH NU5IBRR. Miss. C. M. Sedgwkk, N. P. Willis. .Miss E. Leslie, Mrs. C., Mrs. E. C. Embary, T. S. Arthur, Theodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F. Ellet. i In announcing to his nnmerous patrons and the public at large, hia arraoiremcnts for the y(.ar 1842, the proprielor of Gudey's Lady's Büok, takes occasion to acktiówloo'ge the tinparallelec' and trinmphant success óf his Magüzinc, which has ñow reached the exlrnordinary number offorly thousand monthly; beinga larger edition than has ever bcén pnnted of any other woik of any description in America. Thia euccss he is aware ha:3 been attained by the vast supepiority which the Lady's Book hos alwnys maintained over thecontcmporary magazines which have atlcmpted to rival its mi-rits, a s'jporiority which hc ia still detcrmincd lo preserve by keeping it, in all its dopartincnts hterary, inlellectiiül and moral, as well sa pictorial, emblematic, arlistic, and mechanical. That this is nr idle boast, hc appeals to the esperience of the past twelve years, in all which time, he has made jio promise to the public which he has nol strictly performed, nor undertaken anylhing whivh his mcav.s d not enable him to &ccomplisl to tho utmost. Entering, as he is about lo do, on the 34th Vojume of the Lady's Book, wilh increascd energy nnd accumillatfd resources :with an ampie knowledge of the bu siness in which he is engaged, arquired by long years of unremilted appheation: with a subscripMon list unparalleled in tho annals of litera! ure; with numerous facilities not possessed by any other publishpr; with welldigested and wide-e.ttcndcd argumente; and nbove all, with a steadfast purpose of maintaining the lofty elevation, his work bas reached, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur expenses, which . under other circuru stances might prove etartüng, bilt by means of which he will be enabled to make the Lady'e Book, the' richest, the rarest, the most attraclive, and the most vnluablo poriodical, intrin6ical and extrinsically, ever offered' to ihr Ampnrnn nnlilif.Liteuary Departmemt. - It has evor been the aim of the propnetor to hnpart to the Lady's Book a high literary and moral lone, and for this purpose he hap, without regard to cost, procured the aid of the most' eminent venters and, for eeveral years past, has commitled its editorial supervisión to Mrs. J. Hale, Mrs. Lrdia H. Sigourney,and Miss E. Leslie, ladies of ivl;om not only their own sex, but the whole country, have reason to be uroud. In this respect, tha ïjadj'er Book enjoya a decided advfintegc over all other publications, as it is the only work devoted to ladies, ladiss derive an advantage which must be obvious to every parent, husband, brother, and well hs to every lady w.ho properly appreciates the dignity and importanco of ber sex. He will be enabjed. to furnish articles fiom Mrs F C Embury, Mrs II B Stowe, Mrs F S Osgood, Mrs. S. Srnith, Mxs M H Parsona, Mrs. J. Thnyer, Mrs A M F Annan, Mrs. O L. Hentz, Mrs E F Eilet, Mrs. E. C. Sedman Mrs. Dnpuy. Mra M. Duncan, , Mxb V E Howard, Mrs M St L'oud, I Mies E, Alien Mrs CHW Esling Mrs S E Parloy, Mies M, B. Snow fisa E. Leslie, Kate Franklin. Maria Ékjgw.Qrth; Mrs. S. C. Hall, Mary R. Miltbrd, Mrs Hofland, Mrs'C BWilson, Mary Howitt, and other English lady-writers of dietinction, some of whom have already published in the Lndy's Book the only original contributions they have ever made to American literaturo. Nor has he omitted to pro cure the assisiance of eminent writers of both sex. A ware of the universal and well deserved popularity ofN. Willis, Esq,; and confident that the productions of his, grucefuland elegant pen wiJl be highly accuptable to the readers of the Lady's Book, ttifl proprietor has t-ntared mto an arrangement, hy which he will be oble to give in each nurnber of his work an exclusive arlicle rorn the gentleman; and he has also retainall of the contributors whose writinga havi. icretofore given such ampie satisfaction including Epes Snrgent, W. G. Sirams, Esq. Geo. P. Morris, Professor Ingrabam, Jos. R. Chandler, Professor Dimilry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earle, M. D. Professor Walur, N. C. Brooks, A. M. ?ark Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, a. S. Maclcenzie, A. M'Makin. T. Author, Ksq. L. F. Tasistro, H. VV. Herbert, Rufus Dawea, Jos. C. Neal, E. G. Sqtiier, Hon.R. T. Conrod, J. M'Leüan, Jr. Dr. J. K. Mitche.ll, Jas. Aldnch. With such aid. it ia not too much to say,that the Literary Department of the Lady's; Book will surp;i6s nny thing thal has ever' been orean be atternpted. Ornamenial Departmknt. - It is a sourco! of no little pride to the Proprietor of the Lady's Book, tliat he first introduced inlo! this country the plan of furnishing, along with a monthly periodical of elegant litera'ture, embellishments of an j-fettractive and costly chrirucler. The first eteeléngravings accompanying such a work were given by him; the first mezzotint engraving was given by him; the first patterns of lace-work andembroidery were gxv.oü hy him; the tirst colored plates of fashion were given by him; Uie first music was given by him. These are thinga to whicii he tvould not refer, fsome ofthose who haya eösayed to follow in his footatepei not content witH imitating all his designe, even to the form of hie book, tbn size of his type, and the color of his cover, had not foolishly put forvvard claims to originality, and ottempted to found a riglu to an exclusive merit on üning that wlïich they have borrowed from his example. But whathe lias done heretofore in the way of emW. lishments to his Book, though it far exceeded any eíTort of thoöe vtho strove to copy his movcraents, cnnnot compute with what he now menns lo do. His arrarvgements fop this departmejit ofhis work have been projected on the most liberal scale of expendio ture, involving an cxtent of outlay euch as has neer before been dreamed of in any pe- riodical, Europenn or American. As ah e%i dence of his intentions, he now atates that each uumberof the Lady's Book for the eusuing1 year, wiíl contain at least three splendid; cngravings; embracing in the senes every possible variety of subjects. HÍ9torial,Land. scape, Picturesque, Portraiturc, Imaginative, and Rmblematical, and exccuted in every poseible variety of tbe arl; rnezzotint, Ijno arjd mezzotint, slipple, medalion, and that most cliasttí and expreeaire munner, tbc line and cjot cornbined, which has given Buch vforld widecelebrity to the works ofmodorn artista. Splendidlj colorcd platas of the fashion' 1 wtll Biso hcgivon every nionth, contaminé at least four feinal figures, nnd einbodyinfr in every instancc iho latest costutnes, receiv. ed dirftctly from n correspondent ot Pnris. In order to give the greatest attraclivene.13 , to the stibjects of hia embollishments, tho ! Proprietor has given orders to various Ame. rican Paintera, uf establshed repntntion,who. are now engaged m preparing expressly for' the Lady'3 liook,numeroua original pictures, on National and Ilistorical evonts, soine oL thich are nearly cotnpleled, and aoon wilfe i le in the hands of tho engravor. Among tha. painlers thus encoged Iü nrny enuroeratu : J G Chíipman, Painter ofthr, National Pie, ture ofthc Bnplism of Pocahojttas., , P F Rothermel, J P Frnnkensteia, S S Ú8gQO(i,ofBost.l Williams, kc. ! ín order to procure these various mbeU, lishtnents in season, the proprietor has rnade . permanent arrangernents with tho folloiving. Omincnt cngravere, all of whom nro now, eng.igcd in cxecutiny steel phttes for th& , Lady's Book. i New York. Philadelphüt, A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimherede, J B Neagle, W H Jackman, J B Forrost, J G Dunnel, W H Ellis, j A Jones, K IlumphreysíTuansmiísion bt aun... - One advantago , the subscribcrs of this work will have, will boitacarly reccption. It will be recsived nt tho remotest citis of the Union, by thtf first day of ihe monlh of publication. CLUBniNG.-Xidy's Book, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year, $5,00 Lady'9 Book and Yons People's Book, 5,00 Do Amateur's .'Víübjcal Library, (containing 200 pages of newiind beantiful music.) ,00 Do Scott'e Novela and Peopie'sLibrary, 1 year. 10,00 Do Scott's miscollaneous works and People'a Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do All Scot'ts Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library, 15,00 Do Thier's History of tho Fr. Revolution. 10,00 Do Pictorisl Library, 1 year, and Poople's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Young People's BooU,l0,0O Lord Bacon' works; Tbiers History of tho French Revolutiou, nnd Wuverlcy's Novéis, in 5vob. 0,00 Do Thicrs Revolution ánd Scotls Works, complete in 10 volg. 25,00 Business Departme.nt. - The price of tbis publication ie three dollars por ncuum- -.. twn copie3, one year, in advance.ïve dollars Those of o"r friends rantingto subscriba to the best Two Dollar Weekly Family Nev8paper, published in thia city, can be accummodated aa follows: Two copien of the Saturday Courier, one year, and Godey's Lady's Book, oneyeF, sent for 50O Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.10,00 Fivecopiea of the Saiurday Courier, 1 yr. and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Eleven copies of the Lady'a Book 1 yr 20,00 Thirteen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 yr. and VValter Scolt's NoveJe, complete, or his miscellaneoua works, whichevar rnsy be preferreo. 30,00 In all cases where money is remittedfor "Clubbing," tho most liberal allowances WiU be made. The money, m all case9, toLb& positively received beíore a number is font No letters vvill be taken frorn the Po6t Officeunless the postoge on them is paid. Unless positive orders are given at the time of sub-6cribing, the work wil] be continued after tho first year, and if not paid doring the vear, the price will bo increased lo 4 dollars. AddreBs L. A. GODEY, 101 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Produce of every Descrption, mECEIVED in payment for Job work, Advertising and Snbscriptions totlia " igkal of Libertï," ií' delh'cred at tha Office, itnmediately over the st:re of J. Beckley, Si Co ipril 23 BLANKSof every description neotJy executed at this office. # ■,.■'