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Fair! Fair!! The Jadíes of Saline will liokl a Fair at ihe house of Gaston, on Tftureday, the 3rd of .liarch next, at 1 o'clock p. m. The proceeds of which are to be appropriated to the erection of a Preebylerian Church io ihat placo ANN ARDOR BOOK-STORE. tfNE door west of the Lafayelte House, - to be suld on commis&ion, at Detroit ;ash prices, in uddiiion to tho Cfassical and jchool Booke, advertised by others in thie i'illnge, copies ufclassical and school books ivhicli cnnnot bü found elsewhere in the ñllogí-, toftetiier with a good assurtment of iiícrobting Books, and Siationary, &c. Any book wauted which I have not en iiand ifto be found n the city of Detroit, will on 6hort notice, be procured without extra charges. CHARLES MOSELEY Ann Arbor. Feb. 16 1842 43-3w TAKEN UP BY the subscriber, on or about the fifteenth day of September last & small itED COW, soine white on the back, belly and ; no artificial mark9 visible ,supnsed o be twelve or fourteen years old. Tho owner can have the same by proving property uud payir.g charges. ELlölJA 13. PARKER. Salern, Jan. 25, 1842 42 -8w. Al AStí AC H U SETTS SCHOOL LÍBRÍ RIE?, Puhlished under the dircclion of the Board vf Education. ?OK SALE BY J. La.VU, OF A ÍN ArBOR. npilltí L113RARY is recommeuded by ■ the Stiperinlendant ot' Public Justrucion Jun. kJ5, 1812. "ECONOMY IS WEALTII." rïHEsubscribers wil] pay two c&nts per JL puund in Goods or Paper for any qijanlity of good clean SWINGLE TOYV, dehveredat the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. J. JONES cJ-SOiS. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. S8-tf pORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. -■ Dk.msu.n, for which goods or njoney will be puid at fair rutes. Ann Arbor, Dec L1, 1841. 26 tf P1?1OTHY SEED AND HIDES.- -- Cash will be paid at all limes for Timothy öked, Hides tind Wheat, when delivered at my store iu Ann Arbor. (Upper T..wn.) F. DENISOiN. D-c. 29, 1841 ._ 36. tf CASÍfl-OR YVIÏËat! Sj DENISON wiü pay cash for Wheat . O on delivery at his store. ANT1-SLAVERYALA1ANACS FOR 1842 - just received and for sale at thu ofRce. Price 6ceota single ;50ct5' pel dozen. June 23, 1642 THRESHLNÜ MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, Sic. THE undersigned are inanufacturing and will keep constantly on hand at their shop two and a half miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORSE POWERS and THRESHIJNG MACHINES The horee power is a new invention by S. W. Fostjer, and 3 dcidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine is 120 dollars, at the shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, Ihree or four horses to good advanUge. Th ree men with two horses, can thresh one hundred bu6hels of wheat per day (ïf it yields middling wel),) and it wiü not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Tkresker can botli ba put in a common waggon box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power will be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the 'Vhresher, for sevenly-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recently invented by S. W. Foster, which are decidedly preferablo to any ot for cutiing etraw or corn sluiks, by horse or water power. They also work by h Pnce, lineen dollars. - ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for g ender, at the rate of six to eign hour, with two horses or by wat - Also- -S (t?SMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Liventc-d bv tí. W. Foster.Pnce, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, b Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. lü-ly 31ORTÜAGE SATÉ aEFAULT having been made in tho JatW conditiun of a Mortgage execuied by Kulus Crossman and Lucy his wiie, to tho undersigned, January iiiteenth, eihteen hundred and lliirty t)ght, and recorred iu the Register's Office, in thè couuty of Wash tcnaw, in Libor number sevtn, pBcre threo hundred and one, of the equal uDdmded half ol the "Scio mili property," mcludin tho v ater-power, Mills, and Machinery, and abouttwenty-fire acres of Land, adjoming the viliage ui Scio, m said county, ani iy,,fr on both „idea of the Itiver Humn, together wuh Ihe rigiits of fiowing lands coveid by ihennll pond, (for a more particular descrip. tion ot the premisos, reference d made to the record of mortgage,) and no procetdinffs at law huving been instituied t. collect the instalment which bccame due on the six teenth day of November, in the year of our Lcrd, eightecn hundred and forty-one or any part ihereof. J Aotice is lureby ghen. that said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the mortgafjed premises (or some part of them) at public yendue at the Court Uouse in Ana Arbor.insiud county, on the the twentvhtth d;,y of April next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgnnee Scio. Jftnjiary 24!JL4a. 4o13w "NO REPÜDIAÏIONI" TATE SCRIP will be taken at par for lO' Gaods at the storo of the subscríbela for a few daye. . JONES, U SQJY&, WH1CH SELLS IN TH1S COUNTRY KOK $18 TO S25 TER COPY., wotnan and child in the Unitecl States, who posscss a Biblc, will surely furnish themselves with the Jolloioing heauiiful series of Scripture Illustratio)is. FICTORlAL ILI-USTRATIONS OF TUK BIBLLO, AND VIEW OF THE II O L Y LAND. JS'eio, cheap and vaïuable publication. - Four hundied pages, 8 vo. fine paper,handtomdy bound. Price only TiVO DOLLARS. The suhscribor reipectfully invites ha atmntion of Clerg-ymfii, Teichprs ff Sahlmth Sclioolf5 Headi ófFainilies.and Jjooksellers lhrcnghout the United States, to IhooboveNevv, Cionp and splendiiüy Illnsirau-d work. Published and for sale al N. 12a, Nussau Btreet, New York ciiy. lts features are better defincd by the tille: - Two hundred Piclorial Illusiraions of the 6CRIPTURES, CONSISTING OF VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Togelher with many of the most romarkable objects mentioned in the old und new lesfaBientt? represeniing sacred historical events, copied from celebrated pictures, principully by the old masters. tlie landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, with full jind interealing letterprebs description8, devoted to au examination of the objecis fiientiqned in the sacred lext. On examination this wilj be fuund a vefry pleas-'nt and profitable book, espccially for the perus;il ofYuUNO Peoplk, nliounding in ihe most vaJuable infbrmalion, collected with great care, from the best anc! lates1: êüürcee. It may, very pntperly, be designated a cominon p'ace book Fur every thing valuable relating lo oriental manners. cusioms. fcc.and comprisee within Uself a coruplute library of ri'ligiüus and useful knowledge. A volume like the present, is far superior to the common Annuals - it will never bo out of date. It ia beautifully printed fji new long primer type - handsomely bound in Mnslin, gilt aid lettered; and is deci(!edly,t!ie beet .ind chea pest publicalion (for the price,) ever issued from the American Prss. Clergymcn, Supermtendants and Teachers ofsabbath schools, agenta of religious newspapers and penodicalá,postin;)bleis and buoksellers, throughout the country, are respectfully requested to actas our ugeiils. No letter will be taken frorn the oiHcc unless post paid To Publishers of Papers throughout the United States. - Newspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteration or abri(!gpm-nt (inckiding thia notice,) and giving it l' inside insfc-rtionsj shall nceive a copy of the work, (subject to their order.) by sendiug directions to the Publiaher. 29 12w (jQfThe above work may be had at the nuk tore of Dea. Chaa. Mosely, one door west. üf the Luinvette Houee, Aun Arlxir. A l!bírul diöcount made lo whóiesáfe purchasere. Persons i;i the countrj', wishinff to act i8agents, iriny obtain u!l the i.ecessary in formation, by addrssing their letters to the subscriber, Ño. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ItOBEHT SEARS, PubHsher. Devoted to üe intcrests of protestant Chnstiuni'y, Literalure, Science, Education. the Arts, Agriculiure, the moral enterprises of the agí.1, and to the diïfusion of genera! inlelligc-nce. "Knowledge is as the light of hcaven ; freo, pure, pleasaut, exhaustless. It invites all to possession; it admits ofnopreemption, no righte exclusive, no monopoly.1 For six y.ears, this paper has been gaining ia ilic confiilence of tiie public, lis character as an independent, literary and religious onrnal, is now i'uUy established, as is evident [rom iis circulation among all classes of the coinnrumity. Tliose vhodesire A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free from those features of 6ectarianism, which i re so offensive to the spirit of Christianity - a paper which admits suitnble ar ticles or all subjectsupon which the conimu. nity need to be infonned - a paper open, especially to tho claims ofsutFering humanity, may be assured that no effürls will be sparcd. to rendiT this acceptahle and woriliy ofthcir patronage. It has a large number ofable and intelligent correspondents, whose cotnmunicationa will onrich its columns from time to time. on natural and revealed theology, revivals, missions, human rights, temperance, education, eabbath and common schools, moral reform, health, sgriculture, geology, physiology, natural ai.d mental philosophy, niusic, reviews of books, Sic. - Jn a word, it occupies a field of usefulneas, not oppropriated ly nny other periodical in this orany other country. The seventh Volume commenced Janunry 1, 1843. The price is only two dollars a year, in advance; and this is sufficiently low to put it vvithin iho reach of all. Header, you have a personal interest in the New York Watchrnan! For, he who has a bea: t to know his vvhole duty, whose soul thirsis for inforrnation on all those 6ubjects most directly connected wilh man's higlieet happiness, will find assistance in the columns ofthis paper. The W atchjun is published every Saturday. at 126, Fulton streef, New York, vvhere subscripiions are respectfully solicited. liJanks ! Blanks '. ! ítiaiaks ! ! ï "ffUST PRINTED, on fine paper and $]P in a superior style, a large asorlj ment of blank summons, subpoena3, Executiuns, kc. - For sale t ihis ofiice. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wpodr Woodl Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a few cords of good hickory wood ia exchange for the "Signal of Liberty." Ann Arbor, Pee. 22, 1841. "NO REPÜDIATION." CATATE ?CRIP willbe taken ut par for jj Goods at. the store of the subseribers for a few days. J. JONES, U SO.VS An" Avbor, Jun 12, 184 1 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1C4. The most splendid and valuuble Monthly Periódica] ever publishcd. Ttic only magazine devoted 10 Ladies and conducied hy memuers of tlieir own sex. Composed en tirely of original articles, by the most eminent writers of the age; and om'oellished witli a largar nurober ai)J a greatcr vuriety of costly, Elegant and atlractive pictoriul illustrations, than nny similor publicalion. EDITED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Michael, Mrs. L, H, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTORS TO KACH NUMfiER. Miss. C. M. Sedgwickj N. P. Willis, Vlies E.Leslie, Mrs. C., Mrs. E. C. Embury, T. S. Arthur, Tiieodore S. Fuy, Mrs. E.F. Ellet. Jn uinoüncing to his napierbus patrons and the public at large, hs ments for ihc yoar 184"2, th proprietor of Godey's Lidy'a Buok, takes occasinn to ackiiowledg(j the unparalleleii and triumphant success of his Magazine, which has how rcached tlio Rxtraonlinary number offoriy t kousand monlhly; beinga larger etiition than has ever been prmted of nny ollier woik of any description in America. This succsa he U avvare lias been attnined ty the vast üiiperi(trity wliicb the Lndy'a Book has filwaya rnuintaint-d Ver the coutemporary magazines which hay.e atlempted to rival its mt-rits, a superiority wbicl he ia still determiued lo preserve by keeping it, in all its departments lilerary, iiïïèllecttial and moral, as wel! as pictorial, emblematic, artistic, and mechanica!. That this is no ulle boast, hc appeals to the expericnce of the past twelve years, in all which timp, he has made no promise to the public which he has not slrktly peroi'fïiéu, nor underlaken anyUiiug whkli liis meana did nut enablc hira to ccORilisIi lo (he utmost. Entering, as he is about lo do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increased energy and accumohitcd resources:with an ampie knowledge of the business in which he is engaged, acquiicd by long years of unremitted application í; with a sabscriptiön list nnparalleled ia the unnals of literature; urith numerous faciljlics not possessed by any other publislu'rj.witli vvclldigested nnd wide-extonded arguments; and aboe all, with n steadfast purpose of maintaining the lolty elevation his work has reached, the proprietor has not he&itated to incur expenses, which under other circuni stances might prove startüng, but by means of which lie wil! be enabled to maleo the Lady's Book, the richtst, tlie rarest, the most, and (ha most valuablc ppriodic;il, intrinsical and extriusically, ever ulfcied to I lw Amprirnn nublic.Literare - It has cvor j been the aim of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Buok a high Iiterary and mural tfhe; and tbr this parpose he hap, without regard to cost, procured the aid ot' ihe most eminent writers and, Cor eevoral years past, lias commilted its editorial supervisión to ÍVIrs. J. Hale, Mrs. Lrdia H. Sigourney,and AJis3 E. Leslie, ladi'S of ivhom not only their own sex, but ihe whole country, have reason to be proud. In lhÏ3 respect, the Lady's Bouk enjoys a decided advantage over nll other publicaiinns, as it is ihe only work devotcd to ladies, ladies deiive an ad vantage which must be pbvious -to every paren', husband, brother, and well as to every lady who properly appreciates the dignity and iinpurtance of her sex. He wijl be enabled to furnish articles fr om Mrs F C Embury, Mrs U B Stowé, Mrs F S Osgood, Mr. S. Smitli, jVth M H PVrsone", Mrs. J. Thayer, Mrs A M F Annan, Mrs. L. Henlz, i Airs E F E'. let, Mrs. E. C. Sedman Mrs. Dupuy. Mrs M. Duncan, Mrs V E Howard, Mrs M St Loud, Mies E, Allen Mra CHW Esling Ars S E Parlcy, . Miss M, B. Suow Miss E. Lslie. Kate Franklin. jUaiia Edgworth, Mrs. S. C. Hall, iUary R. MilforJ, Mrs Hofland, Mrs C BWilson, Mary Howitt, and other English lady-writers of distinction, some of wlioin have already published in the Lady's Book the only orisinal contributions they have ever made to American hterature. Nor has he oinittcd lo píocure the assistance of eminent wrilers of both sex. A ware of the universal and well deserved populatity of N. Willis, Esq.; and confident that the productions of his gracefuland elegnnt pen wil] be highly acceplable to the readers of the Lady's Book, the proprietor has entered mto an arrangement, by which he viil be ablc to give in each tiurnber of his work an exclusive arliclo frorn the gentleman; and he has also retainall of the conlrihutors whose writings hav heretofore given such ampie 9atisfac(ion n cluding Epes Sargent, W. G. Simms, Eq. Goo. P. Morris, Professor Ingraham, Jos. It. Chandler, Professor Dimiiry, Ilobert Morris, Professor Frost, ' Finy Earle, M. D. Professor Walter, N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, R. S. Macuenzie, A. M'Makin, T. Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, H. W. Herbert, Rufus Dawes, C. Neal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. iMilchell, Jas. Aldrich. With such aid. ir is not too much to say, that the Literary Dopartment of the Lady's Bi)ok will surp;isá any thing that ha8 ever been orean be aUemptud. Ornamenial Department; - It is a source of no litile pride to the Proprielor of tlie Lady's Book, that he first introduced into this country the plan of furnishing, along with n montlily periodical of' elegant hterature, umbellishrnents of an attractive and costly character. The firet 6teelengravings accompanying such a work were given by him; the first tnezzolint engravingwas given by him; the first patteins of lace-work and emhroidery were given by him; the first colored plates of fashion were given by him; the first music was given by hún. These are things to which he would not refer, f some ofthose who have essayed to folio w in his footstppe, not content with imitating all his designs, even to the form of his book, the size of his type, and the color of his cover, had not foolishly put forward claims to origmaliiy , and attempted to found a right to an exclusive mérit on doing that which they have borrowed from his example. But wbathe has done heretofore in the way oí enibel'. lishments to bis Boofc, though itfarexceeded any effort of ihose who strove to copy his movements, cannot compare wilfi what 'nú now nscans. iodo. His arrangements fof ihis departmcnt of; his work have been projected on the most liberal scale of expendí'ture, involving an extent qf outlay such as has never before been dreajed.iof in any periodical, Euroj)ean or American., As. an evidencc' of his intentions, he now, slatcg. tftní. eacli nu r oí the Lady's Book for the ensuing- year, uill conlain at least three splqndKT engjavings; einbrachig in the series everv' possible vanely of snbjects. Histoiial,Laod. seape, Picturesque, Portraiture, Imaginative. und Emblematical, and execuièd in every poa.' sible varicty oftheari; mezzotint, line and', mezzotint, stipple, medalion, and that most chasle and exprfisaive manner, the line and' dot cornblncd; which has given snch vnr( wiile cclehriiy to the worka of modern artista Splcodidly colured platcs of the fashions' will also hegivon every aionih, containiné' at least four fémalè figures, and ombodyinjr in evcry inetance ïhc laiest costnnios, receiv-" ed dueclly fioui a turreepondent at Paris. In order tu give the greatest attracliveness to the subjects of liïa cmbellishnienls, the' Propnetor has given orders to vurious Ame. ricaii Painters, nf'cstablalied reputation,who, are now ongugéü ia. preparing cxpressly for. the Lady's Buok.numerous.original pictures, on National and Ilistorical. events, soine ofwhich are neirly cotfipleted, and soon v: ho in the hands of the engraver. A-mongth. painlers thus engaged ho may enuineratu J G Chnpmon, Painteroflhe Nalional Pic. ture of the Baplisui of Pocnhontas. P F Ruthurmel, J P Frankensicin, S S ösgooa,of Bosl.l Williams, &c. In order to procure these various embolé lishments in peason, the proprictor has made permanent arrangements with the followiog eminent engravcre, all of whom are nnw 'éngugta in pecuting; steel piatcs for the Lady's Book. New York. Philadelphia. A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagler W-H Jackman, J B Forrest, J G Dunnel, VV H Ellis, A Jones, E Humphreysi Tuansmission by WAiL. - One advantage the subscribers of this work will have, will boitsearly reception. It will bo received at the remoteat oitie.s of the Union, by the first day of the month of publication. Ci.ubbing. - Lady's Book, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year, $5.00' Lady's Book and Young People's Book, 5,00Do Amateur' Musical Library, (containing 200 f ages of newand beautiful music.) 5,00' Do Scott's Novéis and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Di Scott's m8cellaneous works and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Dj All Scoi'ts Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library, 15,00 Do Thier's History of the Fr. Revolution. 10,00 Do Pietorial Library, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Voung People'eBoolf,10,00 Lord works; Thiers History of tlio French Revolutioi;, and Waverley's Novéis, in 5 vo3. 20,00 Do Thiers Revolution and Scotts Works, complolein 10 vols. 25,00 Buíiness Department.- The price of this publication is three dollars per nnnum - tvvo copies, one year, in advance.tve dollar. Those of our friends wanting to subscribe to the best Two Dollar Weekly Family Newspaper, published in this city, can be acenmmodated as fbllows: Tvvo copies of the Saturday Courier, one year, and Godey'd Lady's Book, one year. sent for 5.00 Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.10,00 Five copies of the Saturday Courier, 1 yr. and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Eleven copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr 20,U0 Thirleen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 yr. and Walter ScoU's Novela, complete, orhw miscellaneous works, sv biche ver msy b prefened. 0,00 In all cases where money is remittedfor "Clubbing," the most liberal allowances will be made. The money, in all cases, tobe positively received before a number is sent. No letters '.vill be taken frora the Post Office unlpss the postage on them is paid. Unless po8Ítve orders are given at the time of sub scrihing. the work will be continued after the first year, and ïf not paid during the vear, the price will bo increased to 4 dollars. Address L A. GODEY, 101 Chesnut etreet, Philadelphia. Produce of evcry Descriptionj Wfè ECEIVED in payment for Job work, JbOB Advertising and Slscriptíons totlie " ignal of Liberty," ir' delivered at the Oílice, immediately over the stíre of J. Beckley, & Co jL?.8_ ■g3LANKSofevery description neatíy. ■- executed at tSiisjiflice.