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I fear you have not (he least conception of tho slurnbering, latent horrors of the ecene. At a distance, you cantiot know the hundredth part of the heinous fucts vhich we shudder to know here. From my own observation of the past and present, from my knowledge of he demouiac rage stiJl suppressed, and which inspires bloody men here, many of whotn are yet rceking from the murders which gave ihem honor and eminence in theirovvn country, I amprepared to see the hall drenched with blood in a general melee, on such a provo catión as one hasty word may give. Ons southwestern tnernber has nlreacly threateoed the life of anoiher; and ihe lat ter now goes armed, with the determina tion totake the life of his threalened foe, if he comes wiihin a certittn distance of him. An aft ir which occurred in our sfreets this morning will give you nn exhibition of the state of feeling here. 1 give you the facl9 as an aulhorized statement, care fully collected from several witnesses. - Pleaso give thom in fnll. Yesierday, in the House while the clerk was reuding the Farowell AdJress tf VVash ington, Mr. William C. Campbell, a mem ber from Tennessee, carne from his plttce in the back row, and placed himself direct ly before the desk of Mr. Wm. B mrdman, ofNewHtiven, Conneclicut, in the front row. Hre he began, in a very exeiiéd and violent mannur, to make remarks to Mr. Boardman on the conree pursued by Northern whigs on the agitatmg subjects of the past week. He said ihey were all enemies of the institutions of the country, were desirous of dissulving the Union, were abolitionists, &,c. Mr. Boardman, a remarkably good natured and peaceable man, replied without any ïll nature, repelí ing the charge. He said it was an untrue, unjust, and slanderous imputation on the whigs. not warranted by their course, &c. Mr. Campbell then asked withsome violence of tnanner - "Da you intendjthatas personal to me?" To which Mr. Boardman replied- -'lf you do not in tend your words as personal to me, of sourse l do not wish mine to be laken jryou as personal to yourself. But if yoado intend to be personal to ine, I in tend to beequally so toyou!" Mr. Camp ft him.hastily; but left uo im i any person's niind that he was angry, or chose to consider himself in the whole affur was supposed , as many warm talks of the kind thus begin and terminale daily in the HousO. ;ut, this morning, about half an hour before the meeting of the House, as Mr. Boardnun was stopping for a moment to converse with a friend, on the side walk of Pennsylvania Avenue, near Gadsby's Hotel, Mr. Camboll suddcrily carne up,und said to Mr., l'Ytu insulted me yesterday in the House,and now you must take it back.1' Mr. Boardman replied, "1 insulted you no more than you dH me," and instintly put himself on his gunrd,and parried a heavy blow, which Campbell 8truck directly at his head. Boardman inslanlly returned the blow, as he parried another, and struck Campbell on the right side of the forehead, leaving a mark.- Two or three blows were struck and parvied in this w-iy very quickly, before the by-standers could interfere. The combntanis were then parlly separatetl, but with greatdiiEculty, and imperfectly, as both of Ihem are very strong men. While thcy were thus held, Campbell partly disengaged himself, and seizing hold of Board man's cravat,stnu:k or attempted lo gouge him over hia left eye, making a severe mark; Boardman being entanged at the moment with the well-ümed interferouce of the 'blessed peace-makers.' Othei persons joining, then parled ihem efiüctually. This is whut peaceable northern gentle men must nowbring themselves (o, daily Thus are they to be iusulted and Hssaultec by soulhern bullies, f tbey open thei m vrh in renfv fn abusive remirka whichare forced upon their notico. Mr. G'arnpbttll is a very strniii? active, I violent man, habitúa ted to such encouñters, and notorious as a fighting-man. Dunng a IatejDongress, under some mistaken idea of an'insull, he mude an outragpuá and brutal assault on one of his colleagues, Mr. Maury ofTennesscc, a siight feble man, whom he suddenly assaultcd aml bet crtieily, almost murdering him, and would Imve throw him ('rom oné of use , bigh windows of the Capital apon tirostan.e , lerrace, twenty r thiny leet beluw, if ü ers had not prevented. lluwever, on (inding that he was mtttnken as lo the ins'jU, lie toZowedhandsomely for the assoúlt, and was very polite and altentive to his mllfiiiTiie durinír tho illness which he