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"Our Domestic Institutions!"

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Sales of iNegro Property. - So vera I oís ol' Negroes wore ditpoaed of in ibis )!aco on Wediiesday last,at public outcry, o ihe highest bidder. Sixteen of various nges and conditions, ut up 8cparatëly, and by different aue onoers produced an aggregate of $7,59 50 - averaging about $460 each. Likely fellowa bringing from 6 to $700; ikely young women 440 to $510; and; ova and girls of ten and tvvelvc years tí, 400 to $420. Another lot of eleven, moslly houBe ervants, from 7 to 40 years oíd, male and emale, sold for the aggregate eum of $5,030- half Central Bank funáe, the: mlance twelve months - averoging $457, 7 each 6lave. Thirty others, for Monme Rnilroad money, brought $27,610 - averagingabout ,920 cue-h. They were generally young, nd most of them likely. These sole8 were all bonafide] and were well attended. They may be supposed aerefore as beirig a preity fair indtcation f the valué of this species of property in his rnarket - Macon Ga. Telegraph. We cut the above from tho U. S. Téle'raph, of Feb.!ished at Jersey City, i. J. ït is iuserted merely as an article f news, ehowing theState of the markot,' vithout a word of commént. Obeerve with what regularity the trade 3 carried on. #Several Iota" eold 6eparatoly by 'different auctioneers," on one day "atj jublic oqtcry." Then nolice ihe etock old-'Mikely fellows"-UKELY YOUNG WOMEN," :boysBnd girls of ten and1 welve yeara of age," "male and female." Then note the tcrms of fiale:"half Central Jank funds - balance 12 months." When oíd for a depreciuted currency the price is ïigher. The sales were "well altended." Hero were 57 human beings sold eepar ately at public ou'.-cry in one day, in one city: and the article ia copied intoa paper within a short distance of Now York city, with as rnuch indifFerence as though it were a sale of cows and calves. What jneed of going to the South while we have such Editors at the North, and readers of the likecharacter tosustain then)? Such is one feature of an institution for the protection of which we arecalled upon by the government to maintain a standing army, and increasefour navy to half the size of that of Great Britain, at an expense oftwo hundred millions of dollars.


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