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Will be publishcd cvcry Wcdnesday mom ' ing m Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Mich cmn, by the Executiye Committee, for the Michigan State Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Tekms. - j?2,00 por annum, ín advancc. $2,50 in six months. #S,00, if payinent bc , dolayed to the close of the year. A etrict ndherence to tiro abovc terms wil] bo , ved in evcry cnso. ft?No paper will bc discontinuad until all aricarages are paid.,3) Advbrtisemrnts Uiankfully rcceived and i ineorlcd al the usual pnces in tliis vicinity. ' Any friend of huinauity dosiring to aid the ; cause of Liberty, is nuihorizcd to act as Agent. I All REMiTïANcr.s and all Communications dosined for publication or in any manner , relating lo the "Signal of Liberty" will be hcreafter eddressed (Tpost p;ndc[) Signal ok Libertv; Ann Jlrbor, Mich." Orar Travelling waad Local AgonÉö, Througuoüt TnE State, are especially I KBQUESTED TO N0T1CB TUI? TE 11 MS ON W1IICIÏ THIS PAPER IS rUBLISHED. As 1T ( IS EXPECTED THE Y AV1LLMAKE TI1EIU COI.( ifiCTIONS AND REMITTANCES IN ACCORDANCE ( ïHEREWITIIj IN EVERY INSTA PCE. [SEB rnuPüSlTION.] SIGNAL. OF LIBERTY. WedBïcsdai, Mavcli 23, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News