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Texas, Mexico And The Union

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It appears from a Ielter of a Member ot Gwgressfrom New York to the Madison County Abolitionist, that the annexation uf Texas is lo tuke place on this wise: Mexico ia owing ihe United Skiles aceor ding to our reckoning, a considerable sura ot mor.ey, vhich ehe cánnot pay; she will therefore be willing lo pay the debt by ceding Texas to us, a pTovince she cannot subdue. Texas canñot sustain itselfas urï independent nation, and is therefore willing to enier the Union; and al! that ia necessary is that the President and Sonate confirma treaty wilh Mexico to this effect, ;ind the woik is done. Every one knows that Calhoun & Co. rule the Señale at plcnsurc, and by this niiiiügomcnt the mat tor will be kopt out of the House;, where the trouli'.esome old genileman from Masdachusella would raise a brecze about it;md ihe whoie matter be consuminuted without noise or disturbancc. Texaa con[ains 240,000 gqimre miles of Terntory, ind onre admitted, wil! rnake eeveral íluve States to counterbalunce luwa nnd VYiskonsin, vsfaich must be admitted in a ycar or Uvo. Tbere is ivuson to believo Gen. Wacldy Thompsnn, of Soulh Carulina Ims been sent to Mcxicu for ibis especial object. Tliis vi!l be the last and most desperdie efiórt of the slave power to porpetuate ts ascendency; and if it fails in this, its ate will be speedily sealed. Slull tfiis neftiiiuus project succeed, and thus our nalion be ctirscd by u nntiunal sanctiop of slavery for a nother generation? A valued friend w riles uson this sulject, March 14: "I notice in the prucecdings of lbo Sen ate, a ïesolution calling' on the President fur Information as to ouirges said tci have been cofnnnttd, by the Méxtcari peoplc on the persons and property of Ameiican citizené residing at Santa Fee." l( Americans prtfer residing at Santa Fee, for wbaiever purpose, and do actually becomc residénts of ihat Mtjxicun town, are they any longor "citizens"' of ihis country ? Do we nol insist on the right of cilizens or subjects to expatríate tbemselves? Can there be any Itetter proof of their havin done bo thaö their havinu become reskïentsofanother country? Can a citizen of the Ui.i'ed Síates, reftiding in New Orleane or Keatucky, exercise any rigbi belonging to citizcnsbip nmong us on removing to nnul'.tcr guYcruineitt 'uud lukirig lip lila rtii- dcuce tlicre (independently ofuny official liuty requiring i',) or is he Ikibie personally to uuy ol ihe reponsibilities of a ciliz.iii of the United States whilst so residing tliroutl? Whut would we say filie Engliáh ur Fiench governmtdt shouid take it upun liiumselvtíi to inerfere as we seetn to be on llie pumt of domg, in behalt of til ilie Biitibl) or French residing. uniung ub, and [u'osecuiing thuir business as uüiet people? "Tho slavery sy.U-m, and the slavebreodor?, are evoriüS ingly kceping us in hot water with tlie free natipns wi-h whom we huve ititercoürse. They ure nuvng to pufcli us into a war wilh Mexico, ,ul the end of it may he a cession by ihat overnment oi'ull lier right to tire revoltd provinee of Tex'is, aud the amiexa on to the Union (bat "valley of rásale," ut the coát il may be too of assumng lis debt of iwelve millions of dollars.; ut oí wlnch suin il hus muDuged lo swinle the Europeun capitalists. Once nwre ve say tü ihe free States, be on your uard agairifct ;he annexatiou of Texas. - Ve say ihis, loo, ijri more alarm than we ïave ever vet ielt in relatluü to it. A luvebreedin Pi evident uiay authorize a iavcliccediii aníbussador to conclude a reaty by wlncb Mexico skall cede 'J'exas o the ÍJuiied Stiítesj What reuson is iiere fur so{)postng ümt Ihe Stiiiatc, whol y uuder iht-slavebieciÜDg ntfnence,wouk ïot ratify ii? Ür vvluil reasun is there tbupppsüig tbat tiiu House of Roprcuöijtoves wuuld nói pass uny law thut mighi je necessary io curry said trcaiy uto cxeuution? Pliilip of Macedou uriderniined he liberlics ui' Aihi-iiá l)y lier venul oruors; the slave Jüwcr is uudcrmining oui-s y nieans &fii;c cowardly corrupt shams hatjwi'th few excepliühs, are ent by ihe ree Stutes to Qorigres. Let the Leisaturts uf the liue Siules resolvc at iheir next sessions, uguinst the anuexatit)n on any tervis. Thi.s matter ought to be alteaded to ;u once. The Santa Fee aflair i? ïbout to be poweriully vvielded by the slavebreedors to infldirie the pcople sgainst México.Oj-The foüovwiig gentlemen voleJ fur ihe recépliou of ihe Dissolution petition, I and must of course be aceounted orthodox ou iho rightof petition uiuil they give cvidence to the contrary. Twu o( them, B-.)ll8 and Arnold, are froni the Slave States. Yeas -Messrs. Adam?, Allen, SherluckJ. Andrews, Arnold, Aycrigg, Babcock, Barnurd, Birdseye, Botts, Burtiell, Culhuun, Cliilds, Chittenden, J. C. Clark, J. Cooper, CraiK-ton, Cravens, R. D. üavis, Everett, Fessenden, John G.Floyd,A. L. F08U , (nes, Giddings, Granger, Hul.Mead, W; S. liasiiug?, Howftfd, James, Lmf), Mayiiarf!, Morrow, B-?nj. Randali, Saiionsuill, Slade, ötraiton, Tillmghast, Toltfhdj Wihtbrop, John Young- 40.


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