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Sluve and Free Labor. - A comparison ot the producía of the elave and trca states, shows tho followin& resul t: Agoregates. tjluve etales. free states. Mines, L11,510.993 $44,244,863 Prod. oi the ForeBt, 4,ö4a,16ö 12,677,905 FieUenes, 1,956, Ití'á 10,578,479 Agficulture, 522.091,344 562,391. 157 Manutaclures, 83,935,742 334,139,690 5625,143,430 005,032,094 Diflerence in favor ol the free staies 338,887,664 üommerce - Capital lavested, $142,884,513 248,087,910 Difference in iavor of the free states, ; 105,203,397 Connage - tone and 9iihs, 467,380,21 1,629,098,60 ' Difference in favor of the free etates, 1.161.71 8,29 jPopulation, 7,333,644 9,718,922 DilFerence in favor of the iree etales, L,375,278 Termory square miles, 602,940 443,336 Diíl'creiice :u favor of the slave staleB, 154,614 Thai e, while the irte statte have 31 1-2 per ceut Jiss land, nnd only 32 14 per cent greattr population iliun the ölave etates, thei ntference ni their favor ia, a valué producé 54 per cent. Capital invfcsted in Commerce, 73 1-2 : 'onnage, 248 1-2 i The immense aggregate of thesu diífertnes must be put down chiefly to the credit of íree labor. - Philanthropist. ■ "The Anti Abolitionist, of Cincinnati, is publisliing the names and occupation of the abolitionÍ6t8 of tha: city, for the doublé purwee ofruuiing their business 60 far ae it epands on the eecui ing their lyn bing in case they visit the clave otates. - 'his list is to bê circulated thruugh the outh. It Í6 headcd by "Tliomaa Morris, Attorney at Law." The editor tbinks that ïencefortu "it will ba best for these villuina o keep themselves at home."