Haber Is Critical of New Left Student Activists
Speeia1 to The News small group is against, but not for wiaysiand means to enlarge its s i g n i fi c a n c e greatly often spurious., They are' not -dent involvement in educational b
BALTIMORE - New Left so clear what it is for.” student inV0lVen1eI1t» we avoid eiieggerated, but these _events very democratic. The views of programs - on curriculum il
student activists were sharply Compounding the problem is interference with the function- in e v e r the 1 es st represent a others are-not given the hear- committees, for example -_ and u
C ritieiz e fl yesterday h Y H that “many do not want a dia- ing of the university and dis- symptom of a more profound ing nor the réspect which they. much progress is being made C
UniverSityT of Miehigah _efluea' logue; they are in nomood to ruption of its educational mis- change. T '_ _ demand for themselves, Sonire where s tude his a re being I
tor - and S0 Were the lnstltli' debate or argue. Some demand sion.” _ _ ‘ 5 T 11 9 aoodemio revolution are destructive and would real- 'increasingly drawn in as mem- h
tions that turned them 111t0 act* confrontation, But university Haber, 311 economist _ and has placed”-~great_ emphasis oo ly like to tear down the institu= bers of important committees.
V1StS- ~ aCln1iniStrat0I`S all ‘0Ve1‘ _ the retired dean of U-M?s College; research' and publicservice, as tion. ' i “They have much to contrib- .r
' William Haber, S P e 2 kin g Ceuntry have 3 duty to llsten of Literature, Science, and the well as on, graduate schools and _“On the other-hand, there is ute. Saying that, -however, is p
sternly but with Sympathy, .told and 3 Challenge to ehallge when Arts, is currentlyadviser-to the professional training. Therearemuoh to be said for greater stu; quite different from saying that t
thei Baltimore Welfare Federa- Change iS eailed fOr-,TWe have .University’s executive officers. countless.. 'institutions 'where TTpee eeeer they should pass upon appoint- o
tion thatr“what is tragic about an equal ilnpertanti duty to He has been in higher- educa- undergraduate ' education has ments and tenure of _professors r
the fTp1°es_ent student unrest is make certam that in the proc- tion more than 40 years, and been neglectedf1°1` transferred or that they _should determine `
that it is clear only What the ess of discussion, In the seareh spoke with that perspective in-tto younger _members of _the the content of the curriculum.” I
declaring. _ ~ _ teaching .staff who are them- Despite the problems that the A
l¢The students have _gi-ieV_ selves, grdduate -students, One New Left. creates, Haber_ is n
a ii c e.s_._M0_s t gif 1;h_e;m`are -writer refers 'to the student optimistic :` “The silent, confor- V
agaihst--society,” thgugh’ and not .revolution .f as representing a mist, beat student . bodies of n
the university -alone, More than counter-revoluti-Qtr against' the yesteryear, politically- disinter-
any other-singie factbr, theiwar' neglect of liberal -arts under- estedand' apathetic, were more 1.
in Vietiiaiii. iiasiiiifitieiiced the graduate student.s.”_ _ ' ~ distrubing- than .fthe present e
scope' and intensity-.of .the stu. The more "demanding acti- group.. Idealism is to be welco- _t
dent revolt lcijuijled with .that vists talk of “student power,f’ med, and 'the 'college age is h
is their objection to the droftybut many, Habersaid, -_“do not exactly the period-when ques- a
their ihvoivemeht with the civi] want very muchiireforin. Their tions areto beaskedand orth- e
rights movgmenti their ohjec. ‘participatory democracy’ is odoxies areto challenged# _ r
tions to poverty in the midst of
plenty, their objection to the
‘establishment’ ‘generally and
to the T ‘-military-industrial 'com-
p1ex.’ _ _
“Since ,these sad “facts of
modern life cannot be solved.
overnight, the only co_urse some
see is to lash out against them.
And the small minority which
leads theT -campus rebels -
hundreds among thousands --
_ have done much lashing. -
“It is unreasonable to assume
that the university can do very
much, if anything, about these
grievances. It _can’t stop the
war nor abolish the draft. In
one area where the university
can act, it is trying to meet
some of thef needs of the black
i revolution by increasing oppor-
tunities for education for Negro
students.” ~
While the New Left’s major
objections may be _ against
society at large, “the students
also have grievances against
the university,” Haber said. ‘ 1
“The noisy and often colorful
student unrest stimulated by, it
small _-minority T of they -activists;
has been widely publicized and