War Protesters At U-M Plan Parade, Mass Rally

War Protesters At oU-M
I lan Parade, Mass Rally
r . AE' ” "ke" ii '
Ame :rican participation in the V 5 i /15 class would be canceled and
Vietna m war will be formally ~ i that students would be asked to
protesflted all day next Wednes- . . attend the Cook memorial lec-
day at the University. .~ V . ture at 4:15 p.m. that day by
. Activities being Planned by ffnimef US- Pa'°°1‘ .Secretary
local inoinbors of thc New R Wiiinn W- Wniz- Slnce innn
Mobilii anon, as nan of a nn- T. Wnfz has Cnnnnnn no On- ln
tioiiwid ic War protest Oct. 15, i le e in F e' Flemmg Said this
include formal Speeches’ panel lim _,_,_,_.. FT .._,_,. morning he sees no reason at
discuss ions, ~ picket lilies, a 'fir ._-, _=". 5 “ns late date io fnsnnednle n
torchlig :ht parade, and a mass V, -.j o class he canceled before the
rally in _ Michigan Stadium. ' ‘~T“ 0 C 'U - 15 W 3 I' P 1' 0 1? S S t W H S
o Schedluled events will begin Planned' i
at 9 a .m. in Hin Auditorium, ~ He added that hc oxpects to
mem e rs rom severa - 1 v 1 1 s , avm ma e a .
departn cents will make presen- n SPGQ-2011 at a SQD12- 20 teach-in
tations; on their view of the 1 urging U.S._w1thdrawa1 from
manner' in which their areas of ‘ n Victiiam. (W1I‘tZ Will be here t0
Study Iflelate t0 thg goal Of end.. 55§5§§§ ._ "l":: ¥f?i?€§§_ a " ;§lV6 5116 OSL 16-19 Cook 160-
ing the 'war. , W UFGS- A
“Beat” .P0et Allen Ginsburg SEN' .HART W ' A variety of responses to the
Will Splnnk in Hill Andifnfinm _»1_ NSW M0bi1iZnti0ii’S call for can-
at 4 P-IDL _',_=_ celling classes Oct. 15 has been
Seven nl U~M Colleges are `i`" A issued by the U-M’s 18 colleges.
Planninif Programs nf their Engineering C o l 1 e g e Dean
0Wn, with 501516 de'inilS Still Gordon J Van Wylen states on
being df >V€10P€d- .1.‘ the basis .of departmental meet-
Piekei ‘ing of the U'M’S North ings that there is “very sub-
Hall, W3 lefe ROTC classes are stantial if not unanimous
. held’ .med °f .the An” Arber agreement that we accept our
Se1eet“’e‘ Selvlee end Infernal responsibility to mcct each of
Rnvcnno 0ff1<1@S» and nf Afnnf- '. .1 the scheduled classes. .
land Sha vpping Center, is being Education D n Wilbu J
nlonnoo by Now Mobilinoiion o h -d t die ti, u ft- o'
i members s. The emphasis is on »" ` ._ O . V - 1~» . . yhonldl-eugqcleasiiloans
an ‘ JZ, _, ' ° ' , '_ ~ ,_.» ,. '>“"-'~‘-f‘~'».-1-. ~‘f: I 12-I `<'-‘»1: g 5-11.* if W " ` ~ -» ' ' . » °
.going in 201' ooo," notes Howofo §n§T§1h°e §§§Ste;1ab§r§‘Ze°s@ri§S
Goldsteinl, one of two local paid ef ~i'= gif; ~,1;_` af.;_§,;_f_'§f.'=i}g§§..{`§;i§?f§§ff;§ f o fo d. u - f
Workers ifon one Now Mobilino- wi i ?h@Sy$`§°SLl§1iedri§S°a§’§‘°ii1`ii
tion 7 n » §§§f§f§fif§E§f‘ ‘--< 5fi¥?§if5€§§§P ` ' ""- _ . `
' 1. » -_ A' " , college will take place in the
Wg; ea&1éE§;XW(§1 tgggiyaioillgtg REP' ‘ Iilducation School beginning at
p.m., wit n a march from thc ee” e°m° ee” 15’ e°°°""‘“e te
Central "Campus Diagonal to plans de"e1°ped by a Student
Minhignn 43'iiidinin- facmty eemmlttee heeded by J
Spcakcrii Scheduled thcrc orc =d. '__i Q 6 d “ ° a t 1 ° H Prof' Claude A'
U-A S- Sen- Philip A- Harb D' EggerS.te"° __
Mich., U. S. Rep. John Conyers ¢ Arothitelcéture allid DI;-zsignt
Jr., D-Det roit; Tom Ha den, _a ‘:-‘=' . h»4_ f Seela e een e r e I -
founder Of Students yfor a J°n€ Stains inn* inS‘n‘n°nn‘S inn
Dcmocratif 2 Society (SDS), for_ Peumg ‘“d“"e“e1. eleeeee te
mcrly an c iditor of thc U-M stu- leer” what eetlen ls nesnfen by
dent paper, the Michigan Daily, d ` Students en oe” 15°
who is now one of thc “Chicago ' Stetemeet te the effeet that
8” on on il for conspiring to classes Win be non _nn nina*
CPOSS Stain lines in incno n fini that date have been 1SS“ed ln’
in lnsi Yen 1"S D n In 0 C 1” H t i C A S S ° e 1 e t e Dee? Rebel* 1” ~
N 31310 n n 1 Cnnvcntinni State noon' nf the Deetletry Seheel
Sens. Rogcif M. Craig of Dcor~ and by Pnnnnnnn Dean Tnfn D~
born and Coleman Young of if `e`f nnwe-_
Detroit, bod .h Democrats; Jack ,_'- 'n~~ Pubhe Health Dean Myron E-
Frazer’ ang international Officer "=";-;§;: ~‘=‘; li.. _ :E§E§?§E§§§€5§5Ef ¢ iifgf=1E§3=§s§s§s§§;;;;;5522; W e g m a n s_t at e s that t h e
of the Uni ted Auto Workers; TQMQHQYDEN' SChQ{>1§ ?Ud1f
_M o na b pi~of_ Rhgdes a ~,..._<;;;j_ avaia e or s u ens suppor -
ll;/lurphiqogo ,opoiii o m i o S pi-of_ Oct. 15. Smith added that ing the moratorium.
.Douglas D0“1>d of C0rne11UniVer_ professors have a “normal Dean William L. Hays of Lit-
sity; Eugenia Gladstone of/' Ana prerogat1ve” to reschedule erature, Science and the Arts, i
Ai-bor, a m ember of the New classes or ass1gn l alternate the U-M’s largest college, notes
Mobilization” S oonti-31 coimimit. activities, while R€1St9I'g, said that “a number of events_ are
tee; and Ma yor Rgbert J, Har- stafffmenlberésk wlgerge lrgasible, ptlfalnneg for the dayé,” and aoins
i~iS_ are ree o a e c. as a o er eans in en orsing ice
Teghnicallya the U.M’5 Stance day of vacation, or as excused President Smith’s statement.
toward the ]l'»I‘0t€St activities is time off without pay, or simply Last Monday, the faculty’s
one of nouti»a¢liiy_ _ to reschedule work. i Senate Assembly, legislative
Statements have been issued f Oncedfaculgf membell' npt con- branch gf faculgyt_gov;rnmem;,
b Allan F. Smith, vice resi- ron e W1 a nee or an approve a resou ion y 36 o
dint for academic affairs? and immelliateodiecigoil whetller to l0 Euggestingf thlatf studelrts tailld
b Ru5Se11W_ Reister, U-M er- canoe an c. c ass 1S_ resi- ms ruc ors “ee ree” 0 a e
i If it
teac in acui. an sa mem- con ucs a se ma ~ i ° a in a an o 1 axon €X1SS
bers thit “th ele is no Univer- School at 3 p.m. Wednesdays. _ to reschedule classes or provide
sity policy cuancelling classes” _He announced at the _,h¢g1n- equivalent educational ,experi-
or “suspendiiulg operations” on ning of this term that h1s_0ct. ences. _
*Q _
United Auto Workers
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS)
Student Protests
New Mobilization
New Left
Anti-War Protests
Has Photo
Old News
Ann Arbor News
William L. Hays
Willard W. Wirtz
Wilbur J. Cohen
Tom Hayden
Russell W. Reister
Robert J. Harris
Robben Wright Fleming
Rhodes Murphy
Philip A. Hart
Myron E. Wegman
John Conyers
Herbert W. Johe
Gordon J. Van Wylen
Eugene Gladstone
Douglas Dowd
Coleman Young
Claude A. Eggersten
Allen Ginsberg
Allan F. Smith