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War Protesters At U-M Plan Parade, Mass Rally

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War Protesters At oU-M
I lan Parade, Mass Rally
r . AE' ” "ke" ii '
Ame :rican participation in the V 5 i /15 class would be canceled and
Vietna m war will be formally ~ i that students would be asked to
protesflted all day next Wednes- . . attend the Cook memorial lec-
day at the University. .~ V . ture at 4:15 p.m. that day by
. Activities being Planned by ffnimef US- Pa'°°1‘ .Secretary
local inoinbors of thc New R Wiiinn W- Wniz- Slnce innn
Mobilii anon, as nan of a nn- T. Wnfz has Cnnnnnn no On- ln
tioiiwid ic War protest Oct. 15, i le e in F e' Flemmg Said this
include formal Speeches’ panel lim _,_,_,_.. FT .._,_,. morning he sees no reason at
discuss ions, ~ picket lilies, a 'fir ._-, _=". 5 “ns late date io fnsnnednle n
torchlig :ht parade, and a mass V, -.j o class he canceled before the
rally in _ Michigan Stadium. ' ‘~T“ 0 C 'U - 15 W 3 I' P 1' 0 1? S S t W H S
o Schedluled events will begin Planned' i
at 9 a .m. in Hin Auditorium, ~ He added that hc oxpects to
mem e rs rom severa - 1 v 1 1 s , avm ma e a .
departn cents will make presen- n SPGQ-2011 at a SQD12- 20 teach-in
tations; on their view of the 1 urging U.S._w1thdrawa1 from
manner' in which their areas of ‘ n Victiiam. (W1I‘tZ Will be here t0
Study Iflelate t0 thg goal Of end.. 55§5§§§ ._ "l":: ¥f?i?€§§_ a " ;§lV6 5116 OSL 16-19 Cook 160-
ing the 'war. , W UFGS- A
“Beat” .P0et Allen Ginsburg SEN' .HART W ' A variety of responses to the
Will Splnnk in Hill Andifnfinm _»1_ NSW M0bi1iZnti0ii’S call for can-
at 4 P-IDL _',_=_ celling classes Oct. 15 has been
Seven nl U~M Colleges are `i`" A issued by the U-M’s 18 colleges.
Planninif Programs nf their Engineering C o l 1 e g e Dean
0Wn, with 501516 de'inilS Still Gordon J Van Wylen states on
being df >V€10P€d- .1.‘ the basis .of departmental meet-
Piekei ‘ing of the U'M’S North ings that there is “very sub-
Hall, W3 lefe ROTC classes are stantial if not unanimous
. held’ .med °f .the An” Arber agreement that we accept our
Se1eet“’e‘ Selvlee end Infernal responsibility to mcct each of
Rnvcnno 0ff1<1@S» and nf Afnnf- '. .1 the scheduled classes. .
land Sha vpping Center, is being Education D n Wilbu J
nlonnoo by Now Mobilinoiion o h -d t die ti, u ft- o'
i members s. The emphasis is on »" ` ._ O . V - 1~» . . yhonldl-eugqcleasiiloans
an ‘ JZ, _, ' ° ' , '_ ~ ,_.» ,. '>“"-'~‘-f‘~'».-1-. ~‘f: I 12-I `<'-‘»1: g 5-11.* if W " ` ~ -» ' ' . » °
.going in 201' ooo," notes Howofo §n§T§1h°e §§§Ste;1ab§r§‘Ze°s@ri§S
Goldsteinl, one of two local paid ef ~i'= gif; ~,1;_` af.;_§,;_f_'§f.'=i}g§§..{`§;i§?f§§ff;§ f o fo d. u - f
Workers ifon one Now Mobilino- wi i ?h@Sy$`§°SLl§1iedri§S°a§’§‘°ii1`ii
tion 7 n » §§§f§f§fif§E§f‘ ‘--< 5fi¥?§if5€§§§P ` ' ""- _ . `
' 1. » -_ A' " , college will take place in the
Wg; ea&1éE§;XW(§1 tgggiyaioillgtg REP' ‘ Iilducation School beginning at
p.m., wit n a march from thc ee” e°m° ee” 15’ e°°°""‘“e te
Central "Campus Diagonal to plans de"e1°ped by a Student
Minhignn 43'iiidinin- facmty eemmlttee heeded by J
Spcakcrii Scheduled thcrc orc =d. '__i Q 6 d “ ° a t 1 ° H Prof' Claude A'
U-A S- Sen- Philip A- Harb D' EggerS.te"° __
Mich., U. S. Rep. John Conyers ¢ Arothitelcéture allid DI;-zsignt
Jr., D-Det roit; Tom Ha den, _a ‘:-‘=' . h»4_ f Seela e een e r e I -
founder Of Students yfor a J°n€ Stains inn* inS‘n‘n°nn‘S inn
Dcmocratif 2 Society (SDS), for_ Peumg ‘“d“"e“e1. eleeeee te
mcrly an c iditor of thc U-M stu- leer” what eetlen ls nesnfen by
dent paper, the Michigan Daily, d ` Students en oe” 15°
who is now one of thc “Chicago ' Stetemeet te the effeet that
8” on on il for conspiring to classes Win be non _nn nina*
CPOSS Stain lines in incno n fini that date have been 1SS“ed ln’
in lnsi Yen 1"S D n In 0 C 1” H t i C A S S ° e 1 e t e Dee? Rebel* 1” ~
N 31310 n n 1 Cnnvcntinni State noon' nf the Deetletry Seheel
Sens. Rogcif M. Craig of Dcor~ and by Pnnnnnnn Dean Tnfn D~
born and Coleman Young of if `e`f nnwe-_
Detroit, bod .h Democrats; Jack ,_'- 'n~~ Pubhe Health Dean Myron E-
Frazer’ ang international Officer "=";-;§;: ~‘=‘; li.. _ :E§E§?§E§§§€5§5Ef ¢ iifgf=1E§3=§s§s§s§§;;;;;5522; W e g m a n s_t at e s that t h e
of the Uni ted Auto Workers; TQMQHQYDEN' SChQ{>1§ ?Ud1f _M o na b pi~of_ Rhgdes a ~,..._<;;;j_ avaia e or s u ens suppor -
ll;/lurphiqogo ,opoiii o m i o S pi-of_ Oct. 15. Smith added that ing the moratorium.
.Douglas D0“1>d of C0rne11UniVer_ professors have a “normal Dean William L. Hays of Lit-
sity; Eugenia Gladstone of/' Ana prerogat1ve” to reschedule erature, Science and the Arts, i
Ai-bor, a m ember of the New classes or ass1gn l alternate the U-M’s largest college, notes
Mobilization” S oonti-31 coimimit. activities, while R€1St9I'g, said that “a number of events_ are
tee; and Ma yor Rgbert J, Har- stafffmenlberésk wlgerge lrgasible, ptlfalnneg for the dayé,” and aoins
i~iS_ are ree o a e c. as a o er eans in en orsing ice
Teghnicallya the U.M’5 Stance day of vacation, or as excused President Smith’s statement.
toward the ]l'»I‘0t€St activities is time off without pay, or simply Last Monday, the faculty’s
one of nouti»a¢liiy_ _ to reschedule work. i Senate Assembly, legislative
Statements have been issued f Oncedfaculgf membell' npt con- branch gf faculgyt_gov;rnmem;,
b Allan F. Smith, vice resi- ron e W1 a nee or an approve a resou ion y 36 o
dint for academic affairs? and immelliateodiecigoil whetller to l0 Euggestingf thlatf studelrts tailld
b Ru5Se11W_ Reister, U-M er- canoe an c. c ass 1S_ resi- ms ruc ors “ee ree” 0 a e
i If it
teac in acui. an sa mem- con ucs a se ma ~ i ° a in a an o 1 axon €X1SS
bers thit “th ele is no Univer- School at 3 p.m. Wednesdays. _ to reschedule classes or provide
sity policy cuancelling classes” _He announced at the _,h¢g1n- equivalent educational ,experi-
or “suspendiiulg operations” on ning of this term that h1s_0ct. ences. _
*Q _