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Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer

Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer image
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To the Public- From and after Friday, 1 1 til instant, tlic We e ld y and Semi-fVeekly Courier and Enquirer wil) bc enlarged to thesizo ofthe Daily paper, and offer inducemeiits to the advetticser und general rnader, such aa have rarely been pr sented by any papers in the Unr.ed States. Skmi-Wkeklï. - This sheet will be published ou YVkdnkspays and Saturdays.- - Ou the outsiüe will bc placed all the contente of the Daily sheets for the two precediog days, logether vvith approriate matter for the general reader selected for the purpose; und the inside will be the inside of the Daily paper of tha same day. Tlms all advSrlisemouts n the Daüy paper on VV kdnksdays and Saturdays willalo uppcar in the Semi VVeekly paper for these days, withoui any additiona! ciiafge lo the;r. Th& pubheatiot) wijl ot 'course, beruailed with the Daily paper of the sarue date, ik! carry to t!ie reader in the country tho very ktesl in TEIÍM8 OF TUK SEMI WEEE.LY PAPER. Four Dollars per aunutn, payable in ad vanee. Five Dollars per anmim, in all cases when pnyment is uut inade in advance. Any person fomavding dollars in inoney not mure than fi-ve per cent below par, ir.:o o!" postado, will be entitled tu si-ven copies to be sent to the same post office; and at similar ratea for any ia'ger nuujber ot subjcriber6. When tho tuonoy etnt ia more thun tive per cent below par iu tuis city, it will be duld iit the cunent rutes, the procteds carrird to the credit of the subscriber, and the papers scr.t for a pro rata penod of time WEEKLY COÜUÍER ANDENQUiRER. This eliee?, also of the size of the Daily Courier, and the l.irgest weekly paper issutd fronda daily press, will be pubh?hed on Sattndays only; and in aiidition lo all the matter nubli&hed in the Daily during the week, vuil co ta in at least one continuous story aid a great variety ofextracts on niiscellatièoua subjecfö, rtlatiDg to History, Politie?, Literature, Agricultura, ATanufactures, and the Mechanic Arts. lt ia iutended to mako this sheet the most perfect, as it will be one of iho latgest of tne kind, ever offorcd to the reaciïng public; thut s a newmaper in the bröadest sene of the erm, ad il utjcsssarily will be. fíufu c mtaining all the matter of the Daily Courier, ami at the aaniti time veiy niiicehuneoiis and hterary, by reason of se!ec.ioii3 and repúblications set up expressly ior iniertion iu this paper. The politica of the Codhieu fy ExquiiiEn are loo weil known to the public tó rctjuire any explanación. It was this paper wiiich first gave the name of Whigs anü LocoFocos to the two great parttec ii the Uuiied Slates; and couid 'as couuseln have pre valled at Harridurg ín ÏJecifrober, Lm, ÖÉNïlf CLAY would now have been President, of the United States, lis motto is "Jusiice to 'IIakuy ofthe'Wkst,' let the j ce9 be what thoy may;" and u is tiie only r in the great enjporiuin ot' th United biates which haa assumtd and will maimain flits pusition. T1ÍRM3 OF THE WEEKLY COUl'.IKR AND To singio subscríbela, three dolíais per unnum. To two or. more subscrilier less !han six, to hesent to the atime Post-Oitfuusj Iwo dol lars and jifty cents per annuin. To üix tsuhsctibërs uud less than twentyfive, to ba sent to not nrre than three different Post-OiDces, Iwo dollars }r.r annuiti. To clftsstia and commjitees over twenty-' five in nú m bei, to be sent in pareéis not less than len lo any one Poot Oflice, one dollar avd seventy jlve cents per amium. In no case will a Weekly Courier be forwarded frora the offii-e ior a penod IcbS than one ytar, or unlt-ss payment is made in apv.nck; ar.d when the funda sent are beliAv par, they wili be 6old at the current rates and the discoent be deducted from the uniount o:rned to the credit of the subscriber. Iu hke manuer, when postage ia njt paid, it wil! be deducted frum the amount enclosed . All Poslmaslers are authorizcd by the Postinaster General to forward funda fro subscribere, free of postage; and all romittances made througli Postmasiers ivill be at our risk. General Agents, Carriers, Sic. fyc. will ahvny be snpplied with any numher of copies they may reqúirej on givinj; two d.tyt' notice, at four dollars per hundred'. The Daily Morning Courier and JYewYork Enquirer, in cousequenc of ils grt:at circulatioii, has been appoitited. the official pai'hr ofthe Circuit and District Cour Is of the United States to publish all notices and other proceedmgs in cases of Bankeuptcy in the Southern District of tlie State of JVew-York; ndiUsuch notieesviiïlbómserttd at k-ast, in both the weekly and semi-weikly papers. In addition to wluch, we shíill also publ6ii in our Daily, Weekly, and Weekly papers, a full' list of all e applications in thé United States for the benefit of the Bnkrupt Law. Prices Cnrreni and Review ofthe Market, will ofcourse, be published at length in each of tho three papers. Country Papers with which weexchnngo, are respectfuJly requested ïf coDvenient,"to give this advurtiseiuent one insertion and cali attention to the same; and every daüy, weekly, or semiweekly paper in the United Sutes, with which we do not exchange, will be entitled to an exchange for at least one year, on giving this advertisement an jnsoriiou and calling public aitention to it. The weekly and sernUwceldy ofSaturday next, will coütiiin the firsl four chaptera- all ihat have tppeared- of '-Oor Mesa, or the Life Guardaman," by the author of'-Charles O'Malley." NeioYork, February 8,1842. llfltd&H