For The Signal Of Liberty
Pursuant to notice a convention was held at the Court House in Jackson, on the 21st of March to make nominationa for town officers, S. Pomeroy was called to the chair, and J. T. Burchard appointed Secretary. On motion, a committee of five was appointed to present a suitable nomination to the convention. The nomiuation with one or two amendmenls on aeeount of Iocation was unaninjously adopted, after which S. B. Treadvvell presen ted to the convention the following re8olutions. Aftera few brief and .piriled remarks upon them by Mr. Tread. well and others,ihey were passed unanimotisly and voted to be published with the proceedingsof the eonvenlion in the "Signal of Liberty." Resolved, That if the friends of liberly would see their principies tiïumph in tho leaceful aboiition of slavery in our counry, and the redemption of their own lost liberties thereby, from the crushina weiehtof the monstroua political slave-monopoly of this nation, voting as it does for 3,000,000 of human beings heidas mere property like the beastsof the field, they must ever make their principies a paramount object, and strictly a test question at all our town election?, as wcll as at all our county, state and national elections. Resolved, That many of the fundamental rights and liberties detignedto be secured to the people of this country by the conslitution of the United States are already subverted by the SLAVE HOWEI. and that if the people much longet eufi' i the unholy alliance to exist between a i â â domineering slaveholders at the Sou i . and their few ever obsequious allies at t!norlh, lo satiate their ambilion for pow 1 1 at, the expense of the people, they will mourn their folly and misplaced conh'dence when loo late peacefally to remedy the = evii. Resolved, That aside from the enormous wickedness of the slronger among me, ooming the weaker to eternal slavery - our national Government is any thing bol republican, whileevery slaveholder holding 100 slaves has as rnuch political power as any 60 other tnennot holding slaves. Resolved, That John Qujncy Adams has recently exploded the slavcholders long successfuliy practiced humbug by which they have ahvays so unrighteously controlled the great affairs of this nation by frightening northern men to accede Id all their demands, however unjust and cxorbiiant, by theic accustomed threat o! dissolving the Union in case their own dcK potic and unconstitutional requiremenis should not becompiied with. Resolved, That we think noxo a9 we have long thought, that slaveholders wi I be the very last men seriously lo attempl a dissolution of the Union, so long as they can monopolizo all its advantsges, in holding most of the national offices, controlling the finances of the nal ion, and of adroitl) making the strong honds of the Union (at whatever cost in peace or war) subservc their purpose of keeping their millions ol miserable slaves in subjeclion. Resolved, That should the SLAVERY of the South for its own special interesi and support succeed in drawing this wiioli. nation into a fearful and most unhapp} collision with Great Britain upon the Cre ole case, it would emphatically be a con test between American Sluvery and British Freedom. Resolved, That we are rejoiced to lem n that thuö lar all the true friends of ÃÃbert