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CLINTON SEMINARY. TPHEabove name is given toan Enghsh and Cla6sical school in the village of Ciinton, Lenawee couuty, Michigao; the school is conducted by George W.Bancroft, assisted by Mrs Bañero ft, and is open for the youth of boih sexes. The summer term will eommence on Monday, May 2ud, and continue twehe weeks. Tuition is to be paid in advance. For the sludiea of tlie young children in the Primary Department, L2,50. For the ordiniry Engltsh Branches, including English Grainmcr. Geography, Arithnaetic, Natural Philosophy. Geography of the Heavens, Botany, Slc. 53,00. For Latin and Greek, Moral and Intelectual Philosophy, Geometry, &c. 4,00. Special attealiun given lo young gentlemen preparing for College. The Teachers will make no efforts to render the school altractive to the indolent, the refractory or tho vicious; but for the in dustrioue, the teachable and the good, no paina will be spared to make their atay wilh ue both pleasaut and profitable. GEORGE W. BANCROFT, Principal. Clinton, April 6, 1842. 50-Sw D1SSOLUTION. THE copartnerehip heretofore existing between the subscribers, undcr tha firm of J. JONES, &. SOJYS, was thia day dieeolved by mutual consent. All business relating to said firm will be settlod by Jajikü J0NE8, who is duly auihorieed to settle the same. JAMES JONES S. K. JONES, G. C. JONES. Ann Arbor, March 8, 1 8-12. 47-tf COPAltTWÃRSHIP. THE undersigned, James Jones fc Ca leb N. Orusbï, under the name and finn of JONES & OR.MSBY, have thia day formed a copartnership for the manufacture and sale of PAPER, of various descriptions and quality. They have connected with their Mili, a BOOK BIND ER Y, where all orders in that line may be met with neatness and dispatch. They are now incrt-asing their machinery, by which they will be enabled more promptly to answer orders for Paper, &c. JAMES JONES, C. N. ORAJSBY. Ann Arbor, March a, 1842. 47-tfMASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL LIBRARIEP, Published undevthe direction of iheBoard of Kducaticn. FOR SALE BY J. LauB, OF A NN ArBOR. IlIIIS LIBRARY is recommended by the Superintendani of Public Instructioa Jan. 25, 1842. "ECONOMY IS W EALTH." THE subscribe will pay two cents per pound in Goods or Paper for auy qoautily of good clean SWINGLE TOW, deiivered at the Ann Arbor Paper Mili. JONES U ORMSBY. Ann Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. S8tf JPORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. - Dknison, for vvhicli goods or money will bepaid at fair rates. Ann Arbor, 21, 1841. 26 tf THE NEW YORK WATCIIMAN, Devoted to the intereste of protestant Christianily, Lileratiire, Science, Educution, the Arts, Agriculture, the moral enterprisea of the age, and to the difiusion of general intelligence. "Knowledge is as the light of heaven; free, pure, pleasant, exhaustless. lt invites all to possession; it admits of no preemption, no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For 8ix years, this paper has been gaining in the confidence of the public. lts character as au independent, literaryand religioua journal, is now fully established,as is evident trom its circulation among all classes of the community. Those vhodesireA GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free from those features of sectarianiam, which are so offensive to thejà tianity - a paper which admii fieles on all eubjecls upon whi niiy need tu be inÃ'ormei pecially to ihe clairojfl may be assured thdfl to render this accefl and worihv of their patronage. It has a large number ofablo and intelligent correspondente, whoae communicutions will onrich its columns from time to time, on and revealed theology, revivals, miesionR. humi perance, education, sabbfl schools, moral reform, heil geology, physiology, natur philosophy, music, reviews of â In a word, t oceupies & field o3 iiot appropriated l.y any other periodj this orany olher country. The seventh Volume commenced Jantnj 1, 1842. The price is only two dollar9 a year, n advance; and (his is sufficiently low to put it within the reach of all. Keader, you have a personal interest i the New York Watchman! For, he who has a heart to know his wbole duty, whosa soul thirsls for Information on all those subjeetsmost directly connected with man's highest happiness, will find assistance in the columns of this paper. The W atchman is published every SaU urday. at 126, Fulton etreet, New York, where eubscriptions are respectfully solicitad. DfC.29, 1841. 36. tfANN ARBOR BOOK-STORE. á"NE door west of the Lafayette ÃIoubp, - to be sold on commission, al Detroit cash prices, in addilion to the Classicai and school Books, advertised by others in thia village, copiea of classicai and school books whicfi cannot be found elsewhere in the villagf, together with a good assorttneut of uteresling Books, and Siationary, fetc. Any book wanted which I l)ave not en iad if to be found n the city of Detroit, will on 6hort notice, be procurcd without extra charges. CHARLES MOS ELE Y Ann Arbor, Feb. 16 1842 4S-3w OLANKS ofevery Hescription neat'y m-m executed at this office.
Clinton Seminary
J. Jones & Sons
Book Bindery
Jones & Ormsby
Massachusetts School Library
The New York Watchman Publication
Ann Arbor Book Store
Classified Advertisements
Old News
Signal of Liberty
George W. Bancroft
Mrs. Bancroft
James Jones
S. K. Jones
G. C. Jones
Caleb N. Ormsby
Charles Mosely
F. Denison
126 Fulton St New York NY