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HAS EEKN COMPILED FROM THE LONDON PÍCTORIAL BIBLE; WHICU SELLS IN TH1S COUNTRY FOK $18 TO L25 PER COPY. Every nian, tcoman aiid child in the üniled States, who posscss a Bible, tuill surely furnish themselves with thc -Jollowing beautiful series of Scn'pture Illustrations. PIOTURlAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THI3 BIBLE, AND VIEW OF THK H O L Y LAND. J'eu, cheap and valuable piiblicalion. - Fovr hund red pages. 8 vo. fine paperjiandsomcb) bound. Price only TWO DOLLARS. The subscriber respeetfuliy invites the attention of Clergymen, Teachers of Sabhnth Schools, lleads of Families. and Büoksellers thronghout Uie Uuited iStates,to theaboveNevv, Qlicap and 6plendid!y lllustrated work. Publislied and for sale at No. 122, Nassau street, New York city. lts feaiures are bettcr defined by the titfe: - Two hundred Pictorial Jlluslralions of the BCRIPTURES, CONSISTINQ OF VIEWS IN THE IIOLY LAND; Tog-ether vvilh inany of the most. remarkitble objects mctitioned in the old and new testament?, reprcsentin sacred historicul evente, copied frocn celebrated pictures, princípally by the old masters. the landscape ecenes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, vvith full and intereeting )etterpresi? descriptions, devotcd to an examination of the objects mentioned in thé sacred text. On esamination this will be found a very pleasant and profitable book, espccial'y fur the per.usal of 'Yuukg People, uhoundmg in tlie most valnable infórmatiön, rollL-cted vvith groat care, frotn the best an latest sourcep. It may, very properly, be designa ted a comnjon place book ftr every thing va!ua.biü relating lo oriental inanners, cusiüms, &c.and comprises within iteelf a coinpl.ïte liurary of V'-iigiouo and USofui -..mvIoUíto A Vdiüine line the present, is íar superior lo the com ■ inon Annuals - it will nover ba out of date. Il is beautifully print'd m new long primer! type - handsornely bound in Muslin, gilt and lettered; and ie!edly,t!ie best ;ind chea pest publication (for the piice,) ever issued from the American Press. Clergymen, Superintendante and Teachers ofb-abbath schools, agenta of rt'lioiuus newspapers and periodiculs,nostmae;ers aud bookselhers, througliout the country, are respectfully requpsted to actas otir agents. No letter will be taken from the ohlce uuless post paid.1 o PuUisners of Papers ihroughont the United States. - News;ipers or Magazines, coRyiog tlio abovo entire without any alteralion or abridgein .-nt (incjüding tbia noticc,) and giving it VZ insido insfrtions, sliall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order,) by sending dircctiona to the Pubiieher. 2912v UTbe abnve wovk may be had at the Book toro of Dea. Chas. Moscly, one door west of t!ie Lafayette House, Aun Arbor. A liberul discount made lo wholesule purchasors. Persons in the country, wishing to act as agents, tnay obtain all the r.eceseary information, by addressing their Jettcrs to the subscriber, Ño. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, PuMisher.