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American Ladies' National Magazine

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GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR lm The most splendid and valuable Moiiihi Penodtcal ever published. The only mai azme devoted to Ladiea and conducted I members of' their own sex. Cornposed e tirely of original anieles, by the mos' emi ncin yrilóra of the age; and emboHi wilh a arger number and a greater varietï ol costly, elegant and atiractive pictorialiï luslrations, than nny similar publicatinn EDITED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Halo, Morton M'MichaeJ Mrs. L, II, Sigourney.L. A. Godey. ' CONTIUBUTORS I'O EACH KDMBRR. Miss. C. M. Sedgwkk, N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leshe,. Mrs.C. Lee HenP Ars. E. C Embury, T. S . Arthur, " Í neodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F Ellet ín annqutöing to his numerous patróoa and the public at large, his arrangement for ih year 1842 tb p.oprietor of Godeï Lidy s Büok, tnkos occasion to ackuowleuge the s unparallelec' and triumphauteuecces ot lus Alagóme, whi.cli has now reached the extraordmary number offorly ihoumnd monthly; bcinga larger edition than has ev er been pnnted of any other vvork of av descnption ui America. This buccss he ia' avyare has been attaiued f.y tlio vast superionty whicb the Lady'a Book has alwavs mamtained over the contemporary maraziDes which have attempted to rival its merits. u suporionty which he is Btill determined to preserve by keeping it, in all its departments luerary, inleilectual and moral, as well as. pictoriül, emblematic, artistic, and mecliank cal. That thia is po idle boast, he appeals to the experience of tho pant twelve years, in all which time, he has made no VTomiaèto the public which he has not strictlyper. formed, nor underlaken anything wbigh hie means did not enable him to accomplish to (ie utmost. Entering, as ho is aboutto do, on the 24th Volume of' the Lady's Book] with increased energy and accumulated resources :vith an ampie knowledge of the busuiess in wiiicli he is eugaged, acquired by long years of unremilted applicution: witha subscription list unparalleled in the annals. of literalure; with numerous facilitics not. possessed by any ether publisher; with wel]-. digested nnd wide'xextended argumenta; and; above all, with a atcadfast purpose of mainr taitiing the lol'iy elevation bis work h&ffi reached, the proprietor has not hesitated to incur expenses, which under other circub slances might prove startling, but by meansJ of which he wil] be enubled to rnake the LdÊ dy's Book, the richest, the rarest, the tuosw attraclive, and the most valuable periodical, intrinsical and sxtrinsically, ever offered to the American public. Splendidly colored platos of tho fashions, will also be given evcry month, containing at luast four feraale figures, and embodyin in every instance tho latest costumes, received dirfcctly from a correspondent at Paris. Addiess L A. GODEY, 101 Chesnut street, PhiladeJplua,