Important Tables
In lonking at theae tables, it 9 to bo membered, that Uio Sutli has less titan one third of the free population of the Union. Whcther Ihey ought to draw any i fices becauso thoy breed alavés for a livelihood n preference to working for it, we: shall leave to the considcration of the reader. TablkI. Showing the comparntive Repre9cntation of the North and South in the Executive and Judicial offices, (the President pro tem. of the Señale exoepted,) of the . Federal Government,frorn Maren, 1789, to Jan., 1842. South. North.! Presidents, 6 4 Secretaries of Siate, 10 4 Judgés of the Supreme Courl.t 17 10 Altorneys General.J 12 5 Speakers of the H. of R. 20 9 Secretarles of War, 7 9 Postmasters General, 4 7 Secrétanos of the Navy, ö 8 " " Treasury, 4 11 Vico Presidents, 4 0 90 73 Table IÃ. Showing the comparative Roprcsentation of the South and Nrth in Europcan Courts, to which the United Stalea have at any time sent a Minister. SouMi. Nurih. Great Britain, 8 6 France, 13 7 Spain, 11 ö Russia, 6 7 Portugal, 5 3 Sweden, 3 2 Prussia, 1 2 Austria, 1 1 Neiherland?, 4 5 Treaty of Ghcnf, 2 3 Turkey, 2 50 43 Southern men have occupicd the Pres idential ohair, 40 years and nino months; northern men, 12 yeara and one month. t Wiihin the last eight years, 8x appointments have been made to ihe bench of the Supreme Court - all from the slave States. à riiñ present Aitorney General, Mr. Legare, used the following language, in a debate had in Congress, on a pct.ition pray ing for the recognition of Hayti: "It ought to be rejected with reprobation. As suro as you live, sir, if this course is permitted togo on, the sun of this Union will go down - it will go down in blood - and go down to rise no more. I pronounce the authors ofsuch thing8 traitorSy traitors not to their country only,but to the whole human race." With the excepiion of J. W.Taylor,of N. Y., who served threo ycars, the North has not given a Speaker to tho House since 1809.
North & South
Old News
Signal of Liberty
Hugh S. Legare
J. W. Taylor