Effects Of Energy
-It s sta'fed ihntJohn M. Gregory, Esq., upnn whol dovolve the duties of Uovernor of Vfl ia in case the legislatura fuil to mak e o election, was once a stage driver, a cutter of saw logs, and look a hand at various other hard employmenta. He s a man oftnlents, and the architect of hta owdfa me. - Phil. Chron. paperB publish Mr. Bjrney's address, accepting the itbolitiomst nomina üon for ihe President.} . It Ã9 u vvell written and sensible production, apart frorn ifs ultra notions in regnnl to slavery. Mr. Birnoy is a resident of Saynnaw io thi3 State. We fear that his chance of succeas Ã9 not gnod enough to make it at all probable that Michigan will have the honor of ftirnrshing the next President. We inny add in behalf of our fcllow citizon.', thnt he is reported to be a very vorihy and respectable man.
Liberty Party
Old News
Signal of Liberty
John M. Gregory
James G. Birney